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TMS320F28335: ccs如何生成bin文件

Part Number: TMS320F28335

你好,用CCS12.0.0版本软件 芯片28335,想直接用CCS生成 .bin文件,

通过该指令"${CCS_INSTALL_ROOT}/utils/tiobj2bin/tiobj2bin" "${BuildArtifactFileName}" "${BuildArtifactFileBaseName}.bin" "${CG_TOOL_ROOT}/bin/ofd2000" "${CG_TOOL_ROOT}/bin/hex2000" "${CCS_INSTALL_ROOT}/utils/tiobj2bin/mkhex4bin"     


D:/ti/ccs1200/ccs/utils/tiobj2bin/mkhex4bin failure occurred. Giving up.

Encode/ did not return a true value at C:/Perl/lib/ line 52.
Compilation failed in require at C:/Perl/lib/Archive/Zip/ line 21.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at C:/Perl/lib/Archive/Zip/ line 24.
Compilation failed in require at C:/Perl/lib/Archive/ line 251.
Compilation failed in require at -e line 153.
