TMS320F28377D: CCSSTUDIO theia下debug project显示错误

Part Number: TMS320F28377D

工程开始debug project或者flash project, 就报错,如下:Installation failed : An error occurred while retrieving information from the remote server. The most likely cause of this is incorrect proxy settings. To manually override the proxy settings see : E:\ti\ccs2001\ccs\ccs_base\cloudagent\util\proxy.js The Cloud IDE page needs to be refreshed for the changes to take effect.但是网络连接并没有异常。这怎么解决呢? 

  • 有时候报错误是这个:Failed to fetch dynamically imported module: localhost:58739/.../TargetCcxmlParser

  • 自己动手,丰衣足食。

    打开CCS Theia安装目录下的ccs/ccs_base/cloudagent/config.json文件,检查是否包含以下内容:
        "userDataRoot": "../",
        "loadersRoot": "../../../",
        "desktopMode": true
    如果缺少"desktopMode": true这一行,手动添加