关于G2系列,请问datasheet开头的特征介绍这个External Digital Clock Source具体怎么理解?
我在引脚说明中好像没有找到关于这个的输入端,如果仅仅是定时器之类的时钟输入的话,那么为什么在MSP430x2xx Family User's Guide (Rev. I)slau144i第281页这样写道:
LFXT1 may be used with an external clock signal on the XIN pin in either LF or HF mode when
LFXT1Sx = 11, OSCOFF = 0, and XCAPx = 00. When used with an external signal, the external
frequency must meet the data sheet parameters for the chosen mode. When the input frequency is below
the specified lower limit, the LFXT1OF bit may be set preventing the CPU from being clocked with
LFXT1Sx Bits 5-4 Low-frequency clock select and LFXT1 range select. These bits select between LFXT1 and VLO when XTS =
0, and select the frequency range for LFXT1 when XTS = 1.
When XTS = 0:
00 32768-Hz crystal on LFXT1
01 Reserved
10 VLOCLK (Reserved in MSP430F21x1 devices)
11 Digital external clock source
也许手册其它地方有说明,这里问一下省得自己因为粗心花许多时间仔细寻找,烦请哪位指点一下。如果能总结写一下External Digital Clock Source使用方法和注意事项,那就更感谢了。