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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS2561

1、关于TPS2561的应用,用负载仪一直增加OUT1的负载(OUT2空载),直到加载了5V/1.3A负载时触发了过流保护,但这时只是OUT1变成了3.6V/1.3A,OUT2不受影响仍是5V/0A,INPUT变成了5V/1.3A。Fault1仍是高电压(过流后不是应该变为低电平吗?)上述状态持续了10分钟后,测量2561的温度为 65度左右。


    问题1:上述的情况正常吗,2561的过流保护模式是怎样的,电流不变电压变低吗?如上述情况,INPUT = 6.5W,OUT1 = 4.68W,大约有1.82W 持续损耗在2561上导致2561发热,由于我们的样机的GND很大散热很快,实际测量起来并不是很热。但是如果2561的过流保护就是这样电流不变、电压降低的话,把限流阀值设置成2A以上岂不是有更大功率消耗在2561上、把2561烧掉都有可能?



  • Hi

        见datasheet描述:  . Each channel of the TPS256x limits the output current to the programmed current-limit threshold IOS during an overcurrent or short-circuit event by reducing the charge pump voltage driving the N-channel MOSFET and operating it in the linear range of operation. The result of limiting the output current to IOS reduces the output voltage at OUTx because the N-channel MOSFET is no longer fully enhanced.

        或者: When an overcurrent condition is detected, the device maintains a constant output current and reduces the output voltage accordingly. Two possible overload conditions can occur.

