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  • 您好,电路上看您的D+,D-没有接。
    if D+/D- is left floating, input current limit is determined by the resistor value at ILIM pin and charge current is set by the resistor value at ICHG pin. The actual charge current is determined by both ILIM and ICHG depending which one allows lower charge current. The charge current cannot reach the set value. As I mentioned earlier, this could be caused by the battery impedance. Please measure the voltage at BAT pin, if BAT pin voltage has reached the charge voltage, then the charge current is determined by battery terminal voltage and impedance (CV mode).
  • 您好!是的,BQ25616没接D+,D-(这两个保持悬空,插座的USB数据脚,这两个我们接到ARM那边使用了。),按规格书描述那段话,那就输入电流有ILIM控制,输出电流由ICHG控制了,硬件如何匹配成:输入电流2A,输出充电也为2A?

  • 硬件参数上如何匹配成:输入电流2A,输出充电也为2A?这边不太明白,还请帮忙支持!感谢!

  • 您好,请参考下面帖子的回复。
  • 你好,请问你的问题解决了么,我碰到了和你类似的问题

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