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LM5022: 过流保护

Part Number: LM5022


1、关于限流电阻值的计算,datasheet中给的公式如下红框处,请帮忙解释一下为什么要考虑VCL/ILIM以外的项,式中(Vo-Vin)*3*D/( L*Fsw)表示什么意思?



3、调试中为了debug问题,我们有尝试过将下图中R198 NC,C194替换为0R,发现很快触发过流保护;此时CS引脚2K电阻到GND,根据LM5022内部框图,是不会触发内部过流保护的。请帮忙分析原因。

  • HI

        1.  datasheet没有提供推到的过程,从datasheet看描述不是特别清楚,按照描述推到有些困难。

        2. Rs2不能取值0ohm。

        3. 会影响的,特别是C194影响很大。

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  • HI


         This current flows through an internal 2-kΩ resistor to create a minimum compensation ramp with a slope of 100 mV × ƒSW (typical). The slope of the compensation ramp increases when external resistance is added for filtering the current sense (RS1) or in the position RS2. As shown in Figure 12 and the Functional Block Diagram, the sensed current slope and the compensation slope add together to create the signal used for current limiting and for the control loop itself.