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BQ24780S: 电池过放,bq24780s无法充电。

Part Number: BQ24780S
  • 您好,BQ24780S does not identify any batteries. It simply try to source current whenever it receives commands.

    If the battery pack is available, the current will go to the battery to slowly raise the battery voltage up.

    If the battery pack is not available, the current will charge the capacitors at that node and voltage will raise up very fast.

    I recommend identifying why the battery pack won't activate and use a commercial/lab device (such as a source meter to source current) to try to wake it up first. Please read the datasheet of the pack to see how to properly activate the pack.详细内容请参考下面帖子的内容:

  • 但是在电池厂家说:需要充电激活电池保护,并且要单节电池大于3V,电池的状态才恢复正常。但是现在BQ24780S充电MOS管是关闭的,无法充电。并且我看BQ24780s的datasheet,第27页 chargeoptions(0x3B)的【15:14】位,描述的是单节电池低于2.981V就关闭放电的MOS管,但是我们的电池是两节电池,BQ24780是怎么判断单节电池电压的呢?

  • 您好,参数默认2.981V/cell,两串5.962V

    电池过放进入shutdown 模式,可以看成开路,如果在这种情况下开始充电,充电器将电池端上的电容充电,电压将升高。


  • 1、麻烦给一个你这份完整的参考电路设计原理图

    2、电池保护了,认为开路。但是bq24780的充电mos未打开,也无法向电容充电啊?如上图的Q155 MOS管未打开

  • 你说的充电器充电是指适配器,不经过bq24780s充电吗?

  • 你说的给电容充电是指适配器充电,不经过bq24780s充电mos管吗?

  • 您好,这里的充电器指的是BQ24780S,在过放状态下试一下是否能使能充电,这样就能实现上面的描述。
