我现在想给一个超级电容制作充电器,要求能充电也能放电,充电时先恒流充电然后恒压充电,放电时,恒流放电。超级电容电压范围为2.5-4.2V。要求恒流充放电的电流为38A 。请问有没有相应的芯片?此外,我看了BQ25756,能够双向运行,但是这个芯片反向运行放电时,要求最低的电容电压为3V,请问该怎么处理?
I am now planning to design a charger for a supercapacitor, which should support both charging and discharging. During charging, it should start with constant current charging and then switch to constant voltage charging. During discharging, it should operate in constant current mode until the lower voltage. The voltage range of the supercapacitor is 2.5V–4.2V, and the required constant current for both charging and discharging is 38A. Could you recommend any suitable chips for this purpose?
Additionally, I looked into the BQ25756, which supports bidirectional operation. However, during reverse operation (discharging), this chip requires the minimum capacitor voltage to be 3V. How can this issue be addressed?besides, the maximum charge and discharge current is 20A. is there any ways to change it?
Is the output current and voltage of BQ25756 open-loop controlled? I have not found a way to set the PI parameters. How is the duty cycle of the MOSFET adjusted? Is it true that after setting the maximum charging current Ichg, the output will run according to this Ichg? The current sampled by the Rbat_sns resistor is for protection, but not used to control the duty cycle of the MOSFET?