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TPS929240-Q1: How to configure the registers about EN/PWM/IOUT/DIAGEN if I use the OUTx channel to connect the NTC resistor for measurement?

Part Number: TPS929240-Q1

Hi, this is my first time to manage temperature by using an external NTC resistor, I want to use one OUTx channel in this chip to connect an NTC resistor and measure the pin data via ADC for temperature management.


1. what should be the PWM configuration for this channel?

2. how large should the current output size be designed to be?

3. does the channel enable register need to enable the channel?

4. Does the diagnostic enable register need to disable diagnostics for this channel?
5. Are there other registers that need to be configured? Is there any guidance document to help me configure it.

Thank you for your help!

  • 您好,


  • 好的,辛苦

  • 您好,

     1. 如果 tps929240提供电流,您可以将 PWM 设置为满,以获得更准确的结果。

    2.您可以设置电流,使 VOUT 在整个温度范围内处于可用的 ADC 范围内。

    3. 您需要使能通道以提供源电流。如果只使用通道 ADC 来读取输出电压,则无需启用通道;

    4. 如果需要,您可以启用或禁用它。这并不重要

    5. 请参考链接文档。LED Temperature Protection by Vf Monitoring

  • 感谢,那按照您的回复Slight smile,我确认下以下配置是否可以:将EEPROM中IOUT设置为1mA,输出EN =1,DIAGEN = 0,通过回采IOUT的电压是可以实现NTC温度读取的(VOUT范围处于可用温度范围)。另外还有一个问题,由于PWM的值POR后默认为0,是否意味着我需要增加一个策略:在实际应用前把该输出通道(连接NTC)通过总线设置为最大值?

  • 您好,


          您只需打开器件并读取 VOUT 上的电压,或者,如果您在外部使用分压器等电路,您甚至可以只读取 VOUT 上的电压,而无需提供电流。


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