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XDS110 Debug Probe Problem

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH

I'm using XDS110 Debug Probe, and connect it to the PC and the target first time. It shows Warning: A firmware update is required for the debug probe. 

Then I follow the XDS110 Debug Probe User's Guide to upgrade firmware using xdsdfu commands:

C:\ti\ccsv7\ccs_base\common\uscif\xds110\xdsdfu -m, it shows right information. When I type xdsdfu -f firmware.bin -r, it shows "The requested device was not found on the bus." at the last line, and Green led and Red led all are on.

The firmware is NOT upgraded, I don't know what's the matter.



Alan Chen

  • 升级固件有风险。只要能使用就不要升级啊。

  • 手动升级吧

    Updating the XDS110 Firmware

    When using ccsv8.1.1 or ccsv8.1.0 with TI Emulators package version or newer, the firmware on the XDS110 is updated automatically when connecting from inside CCS.
    If manual updating or diagnostics is required, using a Windows host is highly recommended. Close any instances of CCS that are running in your system. Open a Windows Command Prompt and issue the following commands:
    1. Go to the directory where the utility is installed:
    C:>cd C:\ti\ccsv8\ccs_base\common\uscif\xds110
    2. Run the configuration just to make sure a XDS110-class debugger is connected (or to list how many are connected) and what is the firmware revision installed on it:
    C:\ti\ccsv8\ccs_base\common\uscif\xds110>xdsdfu -e
    3. Put the XDS110 in DFU mode: C:\ti\ccsv8\ccs_base\common\uscif\xds110>xdsdfu -m
    4. Run the updater, passing the firmware file and resetting the debug probe afterwards: C:\ti\ccsv8\ccs_base\common\uscif\xds110>xdsdfu -f firmware.bin -r
  • 请问用的是什么器件?是自己的板子吗?板子能正常工作吗?

  • Hi,

    If I use ccsv8 to update the firmware, it meets the same problem.


    Alan Chen

  • 我用的是F28069,不过这个跟器件没关系了,我用UniFlash去烧录DSP的时候,提示需要更新软件,不然没法走到一下步。

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