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手上有两块C6670L开发板和一块BOC连接板,按照KeyStone 1 SRIO Self Test Kit测试说明文档的要求先第一块DSP板的0核和第二块板子的1核加载测试程序,并把并把STIO_Test.C文件中的测试模式选择改为了SRIO_Loopback_Mode loopback_mode= SRIO_NO_LOOPBACK,并先RUN第二块板子的1核然后再运行第一块板的0核,为什么在控制台只输出
就没有其他信息输出,请问一下这种情况是不是说SRIO test between two DSPs测试两块C6670L开发板没通过,如果是没跑通,那应该怎么修改SRIO例程。
你好,Allen Yin
已经测试了loopback中的SRIO_DIGITAL_LOOPBACK test start和SRIO_EXTERNAL_LINE_LOOPBACK test 都能通过,是不是还要更改SRIO例程里的一些参数,例如PPL,才能使SRIO_NO_LOOPBACK测试完成
如果EXTERNAL LINE LOOPBACK能测试通过,那么两个板间的物理连接应该是OK的,因为这个测试通路是DSP0TX->DSP1RX->DSP1TX->DSP0RX;
你好,Allen Yin
我在跑No Loopback 模式的SRIO例程时,总是通不过,我通过本论坛提供的 Keystone SRIO debug GEL文件查看SRIO状态寄存器显示如下:
C66xx_0: GEL Output: *******************************************************************************************************
C66xx_0: GEL Output: ********************************** SRIO PORT STATUS ******************************************************
C66xx_0: GEL Output: *******************************************************************************************************
C66xx_0: GEL Output: ********************************** SRIO PORT0 STATUS ******************************************************
C66xx_0: GEL Output: *******************Port0 Error and Status CSR*******************
C66xx_0: GEL Output: PORT_UNINITIALIZED => Input and output ports are **NOT INITIALIZED**
C66xx_0: GEL Output: PORT_OK => Port **NOT-OK** condition
C66xx_0: GEL Output: PORT_ERROR => The input or output port ##HAS NOT ENCOUNTERED## an unrecoverable HW error
C66xx_0: GEL Output: PORT_UNAVL => The port is ##AVAILABLE## for use
C66xx_0: GEL Output: PORT_WRITE_PND => The port ##HAS NOT ENCOUNTERED## a condition which required it to initiate a Maintenance Port-write operation
C66xx_0: GEL Output: INPUT_ERROR_STP => The input port ##IS NOT## in the 'input error-stopped' state
C66xx_0: GEL Output: INPUT_ERROR_ENC => The input port ##HAS NOT ENCOUNTERED## a transmission error
C66xx_0: GEL Output: INPUT_RETRY_STP => The input port ##IS NOT## in the 'input retry-stopped' state
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTPUT_ERROR_STP => The output port ##IS NOT## in the 'output error-stopped' state
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTPUT_ERROR_ENC => The output port ##HAS NOT ENCOUNTERED## a transmission error
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTPUT_RETRY_STP => The output port ##HAS NOT RECEIVED## a packet-retry control symbol and/or is not in the 'output retry-stopped' state.
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTPUT_RETRIED => The output port ##HAS NOT RECEIVED## a packet-retry control symbol and cannot make forward progress.
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTPUT_RETRY_ENC => The output port ##HAS NOT ENCOUNTERED## a retry condition
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTPUT_DEGRD_ENC => The output port ##HAS NOT ENCOUNTERED## a degraded condition
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTPUT_FLD_ENC => The output port ##HAS NOT ENCOUNTERED## a failed condition
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTPUT_PKT_DROP => The output port ##HAS NOT DISCARDED## a packet
C66xx_0: GEL Output: TXFC => Receiver-based flow control
C66xx_0: GEL Output: IDLE_SEQ => Idle sequence 1 is active.
C66xx_0: GEL Output: IDLE2_EN => Idle sequence 2 **DISABLED** for baud rates < 5.5 GBaud
C66xx_0: GEL Output: IDLE2 => Idle sequence 2 **NOT SUPPORTED** for baud rates < 5.5 GBaud
C66xx_0: GEL Output: *******************Port0 Error Detect CSR*******************
C66xx_0: GEL Output: LINK_TIMEOUT => The port ##DID NOT EXPERIENCE## a link timeout
C66xx_0: GEL Output: UNSOLICITED_ACK_CNTL_SYM => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## an unexpected acknowledge control symbol
C66xx_0: GEL Output: DELINEATION_ERROR => The port ##DID NOT DETECT## a delineation error
C66xx_0: GEL Output: PROTOCOL_ERROR => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## an unexpected packet or control symbol
C66xx_0: GEL Output: NON_OUTSTANDING_ACKID => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## a link response with a non-outstanding ackID
C66xx_0: GEL Output: DSCRAM_LOS => Receiver de-scrambler synchronization is ##NOT LOST##
C66xx_0: GEL Output: RCVD_PKT_OVER_276B => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## packet that exceeds the maximum allowed size.
C66xx_0: GEL Output: RCVD_PKT_WITH_BAD_CRC => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## a packet with a bad CRC value
C66xx_0: GEL Output: PKT_UNEXPECTED_ACKID => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## a packet with unexpected/out-of-sequence ackID
C66xx_0: GEL Output: RCVD_PKT_NOT_ACCPT => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## a packet-not-accepted acknowledge control symbol.
C66xx_0: GEL Output: CNTL_SYM_UNEXPECTED_ACKID => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## an acknowledge control symbol with an unexpected ackID (packet-accepted or packet-retry)
C66xx_0: GEL Output: CORRUPT_CNTL_SYM => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## a control symbol with a bad CRC value
C66xx_0: GEL Output: ERR_IMP_SPECIFIC => An implementation specific error ##HAS NOT BEEN## detected
C66xx_0: GEL Output: *******************Port0 Error rate CSR*******************
C66xx_0: GEL Output: ERROR_RATE_COUNTER ---> 0
C66xx_0: GEL Output: PEAK_ERROR_RATE ---> 0
C66xx_0: GEL Output: *******************Port0 Link Maintenance Response CSR data*******************
C66xx_0: GEL Output: LINK_STATUS ---> Reserved
C66xx_0: GEL Output: ACKID_STATUS ---> 0x00
C66xx_0: GEL Output: RESPONSE_VALID ---> Response ##IS NOT## valid
C66xx_0: GEL Output: *******************Port0 Local AckId Status CSR*******************
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTBOUND_ACKID ---> 0x00
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTSTANDING_ACKID ---> 0x00
C66xx_0: GEL Output: INBOUND_ACKID ---> 0x00
C66xx_0: GEL Output: *******************Port0 Attributes Error Capture CSR*******************
C66xx_0: GEL Output: CAPTURE_VALID_INFO ---> The packet/control symbol capture registers ##DO NOT CONTAIN## valid information.
C66xx_0: GEL Output: IMP_SPECIFIC ---> 0x00000000
C66xx_0: GEL Output: ERROR_TYPE ---> 0x00
C66xx_0: GEL Output: INFO_TYPE ---> Packet
C66xx_0: GEL Output: CAPTURE0 ---> 0x00000000
C66xx_0: GEL Output: CAPTURE1 ---> 0x00000000
C66xx_0: GEL Output: CAPTURE2 ---> 0x00000000
C66xx_0: GEL Output: CAPTURE3 ---> 0x00000000
C66xx_0: GEL Output: ********************************** SRIO PORT1 STATUS ******************************************************
C66xx_0: GEL Output: *******************Port1 Error and Status CSR*******************
C66xx_0: GEL Output: PORT_UNINITIALIZED => Input and output ports are **NOT INITIALIZED**
C66xx_0: GEL Output: PORT_OK => Port **NOT-OK** condition
C66xx_0: GEL Output: PORT_ERROR => The input or output port ##HAS NOT ENCOUNTERED## an unrecoverable HW error
C66xx_0: GEL Output: PORT_UNAVL => The port is ##AVAILABLE## for use
C66xx_0: GEL Output: PORT_WRITE_PND => The port ##HAS NOT ENCOUNTERED## a condition which required it to initiate a Maintenance Port-write operation
C66xx_0: GEL Output: INPUT_ERROR_STP => The input port ##IS NOT## in the 'input error-stopped' state
C66xx_0: GEL Output: INPUT_ERROR_ENC => The input port ##HAS NOT ENCOUNTERED## a transmission error
C66xx_0: GEL Output: INPUT_RETRY_STP => The input port ##IS NOT## in the 'input retry-stopped' state
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTPUT_ERROR_STP => The output port ##IS NOT## in the 'output error-stopped' state
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTPUT_ERROR_ENC => The output port ##HAS NOT ENCOUNTERED## a transmission error
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTPUT_RETRY_STP => The output port ##HAS NOT RECEIVED## a packet-retry control symbol and/or is not in the 'output retry-stopped' state.
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTPUT_RETRIED => The output port ##HAS NOT RECEIVED## a packet-retry control symbol and cannot make forward progress.
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTPUT_RETRY_ENC => The output port ##HAS NOT ENCOUNTERED## a retry condition
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTPUT_DEGRD_ENC => The output port ##HAS NOT ENCOUNTERED## a degraded condition
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTPUT_FLD_ENC => The output port ##HAS NOT ENCOUNTERED## a failed condition
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTPUT_PKT_DROP => The output port ##HAS NOT DISCARDED## a packet
C66xx_0: GEL Output: TXFC => Receiver-based flow control
C66xx_0: GEL Output: IDLE_SEQ => Idle sequence 1 is active.
C66xx_0: GEL Output: IDLE2_EN => Idle sequence 2 **DISABLED** for baud rates < 5.5 GBaud
C66xx_0: GEL Output: IDLE2 => Idle sequence 2 **NOT SUPPORTED** for baud rates < 5.5 GBaud
C66xx_0: GEL Output: *******************Port1 Error Detect CSR*******************
C66xx_0: GEL Output: LINK_TIMEOUT => The port ##DID NOT EXPERIENCE## a link timeout
C66xx_0: GEL Output: UNSOLICITED_ACK_CNTL_SYM => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## an unexpected acknowledge control symbol
C66xx_0: GEL Output: DELINEATION_ERROR => The port ##DID NOT DETECT## a delineation error
C66xx_0: GEL Output: PROTOCOL_ERROR => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## an unexpected packet or control symbol
C66xx_0: GEL Output: NON_OUTSTANDING_ACKID => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## a link response with a non-outstanding ackID
C66xx_0: GEL Output: DSCRAM_LOS => Receiver de-scrambler synchronization is ##NOT LOST##
C66xx_0: GEL Output: RCVD_PKT_OVER_276B => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## packet that exceeds the maximum allowed size.
C66xx_0: GEL Output: RCVD_PKT_WITH_BAD_CRC => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## a packet with a bad CRC value
C66xx_0: GEL Output: PKT_UNEXPECTED_ACKID => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## a packet with unexpected/out-of-sequence ackID
C66xx_0: GEL Output: RCVD_PKT_NOT_ACCPT => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## a packet-not-accepted acknowledge control symbol.
C66xx_0: GEL Output: CNTL_SYM_UNEXPECTED_ACKID => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## an acknowledge control symbol with an unexpected ackID (packet-accepted or packet-retry)
C66xx_0: GEL Output: CORRUPT_CNTL_SYM => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## a control symbol with a bad CRC value
C66xx_0: GEL Output: ERR_IMP_SPECIFIC => An implementation specific error ##HAS NOT BEEN## detected
C66xx_0: GEL Output: *******************Port1 Error rate CSR*******************
C66xx_0: GEL Output: ERROR_RATE_COUNTER ---> 0
C66xx_0: GEL Output: PEAK_ERROR_RATE ---> 0
C66xx_0: GEL Output: *******************Port1 Link Maintenance Response CSR data*******************
C66xx_0: GEL Output: LINK_STATUS ---> Reserved
C66xx_0: GEL Output: ACKID_STATUS ---> 0x00
C66xx_0: GEL Output: RESPONSE_VALID ---> Response ##IS NOT## valid
C66xx_0: GEL Output: *******************Port1 Local AckId Status CSR*******************
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTBOUND_ACKID ---> 0x00
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTSTANDING_ACKID ---> 0x00
C66xx_0: GEL Output: INBOUND_ACKID ---> 0x00
C66xx_0: GEL Output: *******************Port1 Attributes Error Capture CSR*******************
C66xx_0: GEL Output: CAPTURE_VALID_INFO ---> The packet/control symbol capture registers ##DO NOT CONTAIN## valid information.
C66xx_0: GEL Output: IMP_SPECIFIC ---> 0x00000000
C66xx_0: GEL Output: ERROR_TYPE ---> 0x00
C66xx_0: GEL Output: INFO_TYPE ---> Implementation specific
C66xx_0: GEL Output: CAPTURE0 ---> 0xFFFF0000
C66xx_0: GEL Output: CAPTURE1 ---> 0x00000000
C66xx_0: GEL Output: CAPTURE2 ---> 0x00000000
C66xx_0: GEL Output: CAPTURE3 ---> 0x00000000
C66xx_0: GEL Output: ********************************** SRIO PORT2 STATUS ******************************************************
C66xx_0: GEL Output: *******************Port2 Error and Status CSR*******************
C66xx_0: GEL Output: PORT_UNINITIALIZED => Input and output ports are **NOT INITIALIZED**
C66xx_0: GEL Output: PORT_OK => Port **NOT-OK** condition
C66xx_0: GEL Output: PORT_ERROR => The input or output port ##HAS NOT ENCOUNTERED## an unrecoverable HW error
C66xx_0: GEL Output: PORT_UNAVL => The port is ##AVAILABLE## for use
C66xx_0: GEL Output: PORT_WRITE_PND => The port ##HAS NOT ENCOUNTERED## a condition which required it to initiate a Maintenance Port-write operation
C66xx_0: GEL Output: INPUT_ERROR_STP => The input port ##IS NOT## in the 'input error-stopped' state
C66xx_0: GEL Output: INPUT_ERROR_ENC => The input port ##HAS NOT ENCOUNTERED## a transmission error
C66xx_0: GEL Output: INPUT_RETRY_STP => The input port ##IS NOT## in the 'input retry-stopped' state
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTPUT_ERROR_STP => The output port ##IS NOT## in the 'output error-stopped' state
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTPUT_ERROR_ENC => The output port ##HAS NOT ENCOUNTERED## a transmission error
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTPUT_RETRY_STP => The output port ##HAS NOT RECEIVED## a packet-retry control symbol and/or is not in the 'output retry-stopped' state.
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTPUT_RETRIED => The output port ##HAS NOT RECEIVED## a packet-retry control symbol and cannot make forward progress.
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTPUT_RETRY_ENC => The output port ##HAS NOT ENCOUNTERED## a retry condition
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTPUT_DEGRD_ENC => The output port ##HAS NOT ENCOUNTERED## a degraded condition
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTPUT_FLD_ENC => The output port ##HAS NOT ENCOUNTERED## a failed condition
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTPUT_PKT_DROP => The output port ##HAS NOT DISCARDED## a packet
C66xx_0: GEL Output: TXFC => Receiver-based flow control
C66xx_0: GEL Output: IDLE_SEQ => Idle sequence 1 is active.
C66xx_0: GEL Output: IDLE2_EN => Idle sequence 2 **DISABLED** for baud rates < 5.5 GBaud
C66xx_0: GEL Output: IDLE2 => Idle sequence 2 **NOT SUPPORTED** for baud rates < 5.5 GBaud
C66xx_0: GEL Output: *******************Port2 Error Detect CSR*******************
C66xx_0: GEL Output: LINK_TIMEOUT => The port ##DID NOT EXPERIENCE## a link timeout
C66xx_0: GEL Output: UNSOLICITED_ACK_CNTL_SYM => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## an unexpected acknowledge control symbol
C66xx_0: GEL Output: DELINEATION_ERROR => The port ##DID NOT DETECT## a delineation error
C66xx_0: GEL Output: PROTOCOL_ERROR => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## an unexpected packet or control symbol
C66xx_0: GEL Output: NON_OUTSTANDING_ACKID => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## a link response with a non-outstanding ackID
C66xx_0: GEL Output: DSCRAM_LOS => Receiver de-scrambler synchronization is ##NOT LOST##
C66xx_0: GEL Output: RCVD_PKT_OVER_276B => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## packet that exceeds the maximum allowed size.
C66xx_0: GEL Output: RCVD_PKT_WITH_BAD_CRC => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## a packet with a bad CRC value
C66xx_0: GEL Output: PKT_UNEXPECTED_ACKID => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## a packet with unexpected/out-of-sequence ackID
C66xx_0: GEL Output: RCVD_PKT_NOT_ACCPT => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## a packet-not-accepted acknowledge control symbol.
C66xx_0: GEL Output: CNTL_SYM_UNEXPECTED_ACKID => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## an acknowledge control symbol with an unexpected ackID (packet-accepted or packet-retry)
C66xx_0: GEL Output: CORRUPT_CNTL_SYM => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## a control symbol with a bad CRC value
C66xx_0: GEL Output: ERR_IMP_SPECIFIC => An implementation specific error ##HAS NOT BEEN## detected
C66xx_0: GEL Output: *******************Port2 Error rate CSR*******************
C66xx_0: GEL Output: ERROR_RATE_COUNTER ---> 0
C66xx_0: GEL Output: PEAK_ERROR_RATE ---> 0
C66xx_0: GEL Output: *******************Port2 Link Maintenance Response CSR data*******************
C66xx_0: GEL Output: LINK_STATUS ---> Reserved
C66xx_0: GEL Output: ACKID_STATUS ---> 0x00
C66xx_0: GEL Output: RESPONSE_VALID ---> Response ##IS NOT## valid
C66xx_0: GEL Output: *******************Port2 Local AckId Status CSR*******************
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTBOUND_ACKID ---> 0x00
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTSTANDING_ACKID ---> 0x00
C66xx_0: GEL Output: INBOUND_ACKID ---> 0x00
C66xx_0: GEL Output: *******************Port2 Attributes Error Capture CSR*******************
C66xx_0: GEL Output: CAPTURE_VALID_INFO ---> The packet/control symbol capture registers ##DO NOT CONTAIN## valid information.
C66xx_0: GEL Output: IMP_SPECIFIC ---> 0x00000000
C66xx_0: GEL Output: ERROR_TYPE ---> 0x00
C66xx_0: GEL Output: INFO_TYPE ---> Packet
C66xx_0: GEL Output: CAPTURE0 ---> 0x00000000
C66xx_0: GEL Output: CAPTURE1 ---> 0x00000000
C66xx_0: GEL Output: CAPTURE2 ---> 0x00000000
C66xx_0: GEL Output: CAPTURE3 ---> 0x00000000
C66xx_0: GEL Output: ********************************** SRIO PORT3 STATUS ******************************************************
C66xx_0: GEL Output: *******************Port3 Error and Status CSR*******************
C66xx_0: GEL Output: PORT_UNINITIALIZED => Input and output ports are **NOT INITIALIZED**
C66xx_0: GEL Output: PORT_OK => Port **NOT-OK** condition
C66xx_0: GEL Output: PORT_ERROR => The input or output port ##HAS NOT ENCOUNTERED## an unrecoverable HW error
C66xx_0: GEL Output: PORT_UNAVL => The port is ##AVAILABLE## for use
C66xx_0: GEL Output: PORT_WRITE_PND => The port ##HAS NOT ENCOUNTERED## a condition which required it to initiate a Maintenance Port-write operation
C66xx_0: GEL Output: INPUT_ERROR_STP => The input port ##IS NOT## in the 'input error-stopped' state
C66xx_0: GEL Output: INPUT_ERROR_ENC => The input port ##HAS NOT ENCOUNTERED## a transmission error
C66xx_0: GEL Output: INPUT_RETRY_STP => The input port ##IS NOT## in the 'input retry-stopped' state
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTPUT_ERROR_STP => The output port ##IS NOT## in the 'output error-stopped' state
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTPUT_ERROR_ENC => The output port ##HAS NOT ENCOUNTERED## a transmission error
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTPUT_RETRY_STP => The output port ##HAS NOT RECEIVED## a packet-retry control symbol and/or is not in the 'output retry-stopped' state.
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTPUT_RETRIED => The output port ##HAS NOT RECEIVED## a packet-retry control symbol and cannot make forward progress.
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTPUT_RETRY_ENC => The output port ##HAS NOT ENCOUNTERED## a retry condition
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTPUT_DEGRD_ENC => The output port ##HAS NOT ENCOUNTERED## a degraded condition
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTPUT_FLD_ENC => The output port ##HAS NOT ENCOUNTERED## a failed condition
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTPUT_PKT_DROP => The output port ##HAS NOT DISCARDED## a packet
C66xx_0: GEL Output: TXFC => Receiver-based flow control
C66xx_0: GEL Output: IDLE_SEQ => Idle sequence 1 is active.
C66xx_0: GEL Output: IDLE2_EN => Idle sequence 2 **DISABLED** for baud rates < 5.5 GBaud
C66xx_0: GEL Output: IDLE2 => Idle sequence 2 **NOT SUPPORTED** for baud rates < 5.5 GBaud
C66xx_0: GEL Output: *******************Port3 Error Detect CSR*******************
C66xx_0: GEL Output: LINK_TIMEOUT => The port ##DID NOT EXPERIENCE## a link timeout
C66xx_0: GEL Output: UNSOLICITED_ACK_CNTL_SYM => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## an unexpected acknowledge control symbol
C66xx_0: GEL Output: DELINEATION_ERROR => The port ##DID NOT DETECT## a delineation error
C66xx_0: GEL Output: PROTOCOL_ERROR => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## an unexpected packet or control symbol
C66xx_0: GEL Output: NON_OUTSTANDING_ACKID => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## a link response with a non-outstanding ackID
C66xx_0: GEL Output: DSCRAM_LOS => Receiver de-scrambler synchronization is ##NOT LOST##
C66xx_0: GEL Output: RCVD_PKT_OVER_276B => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## packet that exceeds the maximum allowed size.
C66xx_0: GEL Output: RCVD_PKT_WITH_BAD_CRC => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## a packet with a bad CRC value
C66xx_0: GEL Output: PKT_UNEXPECTED_ACKID => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## a packet with unexpected/out-of-sequence ackID
C66xx_0: GEL Output: RCVD_PKT_NOT_ACCPT => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## a packet-not-accepted acknowledge control symbol.
C66xx_0: GEL Output: CNTL_SYM_UNEXPECTED_ACKID => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## an acknowledge control symbol with an unexpected ackID (packet-accepted or packet-retry)
C66xx_0: GEL Output: CORRUPT_CNTL_SYM => The port ##DID NOT RECEIVE## a control symbol with a bad CRC value
C66xx_0: GEL Output: ERR_IMP_SPECIFIC => An implementation specific error ##HAS NOT BEEN## detected
C66xx_0: GEL Output: *******************Port3 Error rate CSR*******************
C66xx_0: GEL Output: ERROR_RATE_COUNTER ---> 0
C66xx_0: GEL Output: PEAK_ERROR_RATE ---> 0
C66xx_0: GEL Output: *******************Port3 Link Maintenance Response CSR data*******************
C66xx_0: GEL Output: LINK_STATUS ---> Reserved
C66xx_0: GEL Output: ACKID_STATUS ---> 0x00
C66xx_0: GEL Output: RESPONSE_VALID ---> Response ##IS NOT## valid
C66xx_0: GEL Output: *******************Port3 Local AckId Status CSR*******************
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTBOUND_ACKID ---> 0x00
C66xx_0: GEL Output: OUTSTANDING_ACKID ---> 0x00
C66xx_0: GEL Output: INBOUND_ACKID ---> 0x00
C66xx_0: GEL Output: *******************Port3 Attributes Error Capture CSR*******************
C66xx_0: GEL Output: CAPTURE_VALID_INFO ---> The packet/control symbol capture registers ##DO NOT CONTAIN## valid information.
C66xx_0: GEL Output: IMP_SPECIFIC ---> 0x00000000
C66xx_0: GEL Output: ERROR_TYPE ---> 0x00
C66xx_0: GEL Output: INFO_TYPE ---> Implementation specific
C66xx_0: GEL Output: CAPTURE0 ---> 0xFFFF0000
C66xx_0: GEL Output: CAPTURE1 ---> 0x00000000
C66xx_0: GEL Output: CAPTURE2 ---> 0x00000000
C66xx_0: GEL Output: CAPTURE3 ---> 0x00000000