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请教Tony Tang有关EDMA配置问题

Tony Tang

              你好。下面是我配置的EDMA配置,现在是16bit  I2S 数据格式,目前经过测试,没有什么问题。但是我要是把 I2S 数据格式改成24bit ,DMA传输出错,MCASP 状态寄存器显示 Receive DMA error did occur。搞不球明白,特向你请教,谢谢,以下是配置代码

** Default paRAM for Receive section.
static struct EDMA3CCPaRAMEntry const rxDefaultPar =
(unsigned int)(EDMA3CC_OPT_SAM | (0x02 << 8u)), /* Opt field */
(unsigned int)SOC_MCASP_0_DATA_REGS, /* source address */
(unsigned short)(4), /* aCnt */
(unsigned short)(256), /* bCnt */
(unsigned int)rxBuf0, /* dest address */
(short) (0), /* source bIdx 0 */
(short)(4), /* dest bIdx */
(unsigned short)(PAR_RX_START * SIZE_PARAMSET), /* link address */
(unsigned short)(0), /* bCnt reload value */
(short)(0), /* source cIdx */
(short)(0), /* dest cIdx */
(unsigned short)1 /* cCnt */

  • 我也在配置这个EDMA,配置函数写在哪个地方??我刚接触这个芯片,但是周三就要把这个函数调通,求指导

x 出现错误。请重试或与管理员联系。