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SK-AM68: Is able to run object detection from command line with SK-AM68 ?

Part Number: SK-AM68

Hi, Experts:

I bought SK-AM68 and tried demo of "Edge AI gallery".
I noticed the left side function of "Custom". The function is able to select Input type, Image and Model with GUI.
How to execute ONR-OD-xxx or TVM-OD-xxx from the command line?
In the case, is able to return resoult by file ?
Or, is there any API able to call for this?

By the way, I want to let SK-AM68 as a co-processor for object detection.
I think that is the easy/simple/lazy/fastest way to test/demo/apply/deploy TI AI solution.
Using gigaLAN/TCP input JPG and output/return result by XML/JSON/text.
If I finish this I will publish the code to gitHub.

Best Regards,


  • Hello,

    I bought SK-AM68 and tried demo of "Edge AI gallery".
    I noticed the left side function of "Custom". The function is able to select Input type, Image and Model with GUI.
    How to execute ONR-OD-xxx or TVM-OD-xxx from the command line?
    In the case, is able to return resoult by file ?
    Or, is there any API able to call for this?

     I don't quite understand what you mean. Can you rephrase it?

    If I finish this I will publish the code to gitHub.

    Wishing you all the best. Thank you for sharing



  • Hi, Gary:

    For example,

    input as :

    results as:

    Can I run ONR-OD-8220-yolox-s-lite-mmdet-coco-640x640 by minicom/UART ?

    May I get the results as below in file?

    (1)the 2 of strings : "vase" "food/orange"

    (2)the 2 of green rectangle x-y position and width / height

    Best regards,


  • Hello Greatcat,

    To run the ONR-OD-8220-yolox-s-lite-mmdet-coco-640x640 model and obtain the results through a command-line interface, you'll typically need a software stack that includes the necessary tools and libraries for running inference with this specific model.

    For instance, if you're using a Python script to run inference, you can use libraries like OpenCV or TensorFlow to load the image and process the results. Then, you can use file I/O operations in Python to write the results to a file.



  • Hi, Gary:

    I see that the OS comes with official command line demo at 


    Test step:


    /etc/init.d/ stop


    cd /opt/edgeai-gst-apps/tests/



    The demo supports python and CPP. 

    The config file /opt/edgeai-gst-apps/tests/test_config.yaml comes with some magic parameter.

    I extract them and put to

    Then test by command line (python)
    /opt/edgeai-gst-apps/apps_python/ -n -v /opt/edgeai-gst-apps/tests/t1/ONR-OD-8420.yaml

    or (CPP)
    /opt/edgeai-gst-apps/apps_cpp/bin/Release/app_edgeai -n -v /opt/edgeai-gst-apps/tests/t1/ONR-OD-8420.yaml

    Best regards,
