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.......\Texas Instruments\mcsdk_2_00_00_beta2\examples\ndk路径下的client例子,没有进行改动,build project后下载out文件,warm reset后执行,CCS5.0.3.显示如下:
[C66xx_0] A0=0x1 A1=0x20
[C66xx_0] A2=0x0 A3=0x85b270
[C66xx_0] A4=0x2620328 A5=0x0
[C66xx_0] A6=0x0 A7=0x2
[C66xx_0] A8=0x0 A9=0x0
[C66xx_0] A10=0x0 A11=0x800bad28
[C66xx_0] A12=0x800d23fc A13=0x8006fce4
[C66xx_0] A14=0x7 A15=0x69
[C66xx_0] A16=0x85b290 A17=0x0
[C66xx_0] A18=0x85b270 A19=0x20
[C66xx_0] A20=0x6c A21=0x4c
[C66xx_0] A22=0xa48839f A23=0xc054888
[C66xx_0] A24=0x2005000 A25=0x825b80
[C66xx_0] A26=0xc054888 A27=0xc054888
[C66xx_0] A28=0x2005000 A29=0xc054888
[C66xx_0] A30=0x2005000 A31=0x1
[C66xx_0] B0=0x0 B1=0x2310000
[C66xx_0] B2=0x1 B3=0x80014d24
[C66xx_0] B4=0x40 B5=0x0
[C66xx_0] B6=0x85b290 B7=0x0
[C66xx_0] B8=0xe0c28b0a B9=0x0
[C66xx_0] B10=0x90 B11=0x90
[C66xx_0] B12=0x1 B13=0x8005c0f0
[C66xx_0] B14=0x800cdfd8 B15=0x85b240
[C66xx_0] B16=0xfa00000 B17=0x0
[C66xx_0] B18=0x0 B19=0x0
[C66xx_0] B20=0x69 B21=0x108228ec
[C66xx_0] B22=0x0 B23=0xa4883a0
[C66xx_0] B24=0x40443480 B25=0x9588a4ae
[C66xx_0] B26=0x6d745381 B27=0x0
[C66xx_0] B28=0x20000000 B29=0x0
[C66xx_0] B30=0xffffffff B31=0x7f
[C66xx_0] NTSR=0x1000c
[C66xx_0] ITSR=0x0
[C66xx_0] IRP=0x0
[C66xx_0] SSR=0x0
[C66xx_0] AMR=0x0
[C66xx_0] RILC=0x0
[C66xx_0] ILC=0x0
[C66xx_0] Exception at 0x80014ed4
[C66xx_0] EFR=0x2 NRP=0x80014ed4
[C66xx_0] Internal exception: IERR=0x10
[C66xx_0] Resource conflict exception
由于刚开始研究DSP网络通信,所以实在比较茫然,不知道为什么? 哪里设置的不对吗? HUA例子我试验过,运行都是正确的,client就不行。
非常感谢,下载了mcsdk_2_00_08_20版本,运行后结果如下,正常了。 进一步请教:我研究NDK starting guide里面将基于6455的client例子经过修改后,达到了6455向PC发送数据的效果,这个我在6455上试验了,可以。请问对6678的client例子做相应的修改可以吗?达到能够单核向PC发送数据
[C66xx_0] QMSS successfully initialized
[C66xx_0] CPPI successfully initialized
[C66xx_0] PA successfully initialized
[C66xx_0] TCP/IP Stack Example Client
[C66xx_0] Configuring DHCP client
[C66xx_0] PASS successfully initialized
[C66xx_0] Ethernet subsystem successfully initialized
[C66xx_0] Ethernet eventId : 48 and vectId (Interrupt) : 7
[C66xx_0] Registration of the EMAC Successful, waiting for link up ..
[C66xx_0] Service Status: DHCPC : Enabled : : 000
[C66xx_0] Service Status: Telnet : Enabled : : 000
[C66xx_0] Service Status: HTTP : Enabled : : 000
[C66xx_0] Service Status: DHCPC : Enabled : Running : 000
[C66xx_0] Network Added: If-1:
[C66xx_0] Service Status: DHCPC : Enabled : Running : 017