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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320C6678

开发环境:windows32 CCS5.5

仿真器: WintechDigital XDS560V2 STM USB Emulator


在新建的Target Configuration的Basic->connection选择WintechDigital XDS560V2 STM USB Emulator_0,Basic->Device选择TMS320C6678,然后在Advanced里给core0添加evmc6678l.gel,保存后点击TestConnection,然后出现如下信息:


Execute the command:

%ccs_base%/common/uscif/dbgjtag.exe -f %boarddatafile% -rv -F inform,logfile=yes -S pathlength -S integrity


-----[Print the board config pathname(s)]------------------------------------



-----[Print the reset-command software log-file]----------------------------- 

This utility has selected a 560/2xx-class product.

This utility will load the program 'sd560v2u.out'.

Loaded FPGA Image: E:\CCS_V5\ccsv5\ccs_base\common\uscif\dtc_top.jbc

The library build date was 'Aug 19 2013'.

The library build time was '22:41:20'.

The library package version is ''.

The library component version is ''.

The controller does not use a programmable FPGA.

The controller has a version number of '5' (0x00000005).

The controller has an insertion length of '0' (0x00000000).

The cable+pod has a version number of '8' (0x00000008).

The cable+pod has a capability number of '7423' (0x00001cff).

This utility will attempt to reset the controller.

This utility has successfully reset the controller.

-----[Print the reset-command hardware log-file]-----------------------------

The scan-path will be reset by toggling the JTAG TRST signal.

The controller is the Nano-TBC VHDL.

The link is a 560-class second-generation-560 cable.

The software is configured for Nano-TBC VHDL features.

The controller will be software reset via its registers.

The controller has a logic ONE on its EMU[0] input pin.

The controller has a logic ONE on its EMU[1] input pin.

The controller will use falling-edge timing on output pins.

The controller cannot control the timing on input pins.

The scan-path link-delay has been set to exactly '2' (0x0002).

The utility logic has not previously detected a power-loss.

The utility logic is not currently detecting a power-loss.

Loaded FPGA Image: E:\CCS_V5\ccsv5\ccs_base\common\uscif\dtc_top.jbc


An error occurred while hard opening the controller.


-----[An error has occurred and this utility has aborted]--------------------


This error is generated by TI's USCIF driver or utilities.


The value is '-501' (0xfffffe0b).

The title is 'SC_ERR_TEST_MEASURE'.


The explanation is:

The built-in scan-path length measurement failed.

The built-in scan-path reliability tests cannot be performed without knowledge of the scan-path length. Try specifying the scan-path lengths in the command-line options or board configuration file of this utility or debugger.



因为仿真器是刚买的,自制开发板还是第一次连接仿真器,所以硬件和仿真器驱动可能都会有问题,但C6678的上电应该是没有问题的,板子的DSP原理图是参考EVM6678的,前期检测到设置boot mode的GPIO电平有问题,但应该不影响仿真器连接吧,驱动的安装一开始是有问题的,后来卸了重装开起来是正常的,现在也没有其他仿真器或者完好的板子用来验证排除问题,想请教下通过以上的原因能不能锁定其中一种(软件驱动或硬件问题),硬件要检测那些?

  • 先看你是什么启动方式,检查SYSCLKOUT是否有稳定的时钟输出,BOOTSTATUS是否正确以确定DSP是否已经正常工作;



  • Hi Allen,

              1)BOOT设置见附件,FPGA控制DSP上电及复位,DSP输出复位状态信号为高电平,SYSCLKOUT输出时钟为208MHz,(DSP CORE CLK 外部输入为156.25MHz,芯片为1.25G的片子),但是BOOTCOMPLETE始终为低电平,BOOT是否正确会影响JTAG连接吗?

               2)测量JTAG链路  TCK是有时钟的,500KHz;  仿真器连接过程中,JTAG数据线有数据传输。

