AM6442: AM6442 platform ICSSG1 port0 port1

Part Number: AM6442

os : RTOS
icssg dirver: porting from uboot in sdk9.0

test method: phy internal loopback

compile chain:
gcc ICSSG1 port0 and port1 work normal

clang + llvm ICSSG1 port0 and port1 sometimes can not receive data.

When powered on, if ICSSG1 port0 and port1 is working properly, the port will work properly.
When powered on, if ICSSG1 port0 and port1 cannot receive data, it cannot receive data all the time

debug method and result :

1、 dump all registers of icssg1 MII_G and CFG , Compare the value of the register under normal and abnormal conditions, the values are the same .
2、 dump the MII_G statics register under abnormal conditions , find that MII_G module have received the data , but The receive interrupt did not occur.

  • 您好,

       在AM64x-EVM测试了SDC-101 示例"ICSSG PHY loopback",是可以调通的。


     Enet Loopback: Iteration 1 
    Enabling clocks!
    Init  configs EnetType:1, InstId :3
    Open MAC port 2
    EnetPhy_bindDriver: PHY 3: OUI:080028 Model:0f Ver:01 <-> 'DP83869' : OK
    PHY 3 is alive
    PHY 15 is alive
    initQs() txFreePktInfoQ initialized with 16 pkts
     - HOST PORT statistics
      hostTxByteCnt              = 9233622852480008192
      hostRxByteCntSlice0        = 9233544220218753024
      hostRxByteCntSlice1        = 9233078426720534528
      hostTxByteCntSlice0        = 9233110776414208000
      hostTxByteCntSlice1        = 9233622852480008192
     Mac 1 statistics
    Icssg_handleLinkUp: icssg1-2: Port 2: Link up: 100-Mbps Full-Duplex
     - HOST PORT statistics
      hostRxByteCnt              = 723396131869949952
      hostTxByteCnt              = 9233128695017766912
      hostRxByteCntSlice0        = 720576241026990080
      hostRxByteCntSlice1        = 9233103672538300416
      hostTxByteCntSlice0        = 47244640256
      hostTxByteCntSlice1        = 10252409058099200
      hostRxPktCntSlice1         = 1000
      hostTxPktCntSlice1         = 1000
     Mac 1 statistics
      rxGoodFrames            = 1000
      rxBCastFrames           = 1000
      rxMCastFrames           = 1000
      rxClass8                = 1000
      rxClass9                = 1000
      rxBucket5SizedFrame     = 1000
      rxTotalByte             = 518000
      rxTxTotalByte           = 1044000
      txGoodFrame             = 1000
      txBcastFrame            = 1000
      txMcastFrame            = 1000
      txBucket5SizedFrame     = 1000
      txTotalByte             = 526000
    Icssg_unregisterEventCb: icssg1-2: event not registered 1
    Unregister TX timestamp callback
    Icssg_unregisterEventCb: icssg1-2: event not registered 64
    Disabling clocks for ENET: 1, inst:3!
    Test complete: PASS
    Loopback application completed
    All tests have passed!!


  • AM6442: ICSSG1 receive length is increased 1532

    os : RTOS
    icssg dirver: porting from uboot in sdk9.0

    test method: phy internal loopback

    compile chain:             gcc

    When testing RAW data, send 1024 bytes of data every 1ms, receive the data, and check the receive length, which can sometimes be 1532.

    Read the statistics register of the MII_G module to show that the total data length received can be evenly divided by the length of each packet, that is, the length of the data received by the MII_G module is no problem.

    There is a problem with the pru module receiving data and then transmitting it to DMA.

    What is the cause of this problem and how can I solve it

  • 您好,


    icssg dirver: porting from uboot in sdk9.0

        这是 R5F 或 A53 上的示例?原因是不支持 A%3 上的 ICSSG。

       您遇到 GCC 或 clang 的问题?