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IWR6843: IWR6843 毫米波雷达人体数量检测

Part Number: IWR6843

        您好,我想问一下在查看文档《People Tracking and Counting Reference Design Using mmWave Radar Sensor》时,发现在文档的3.2.1小节,在用于人体数量检测设置时有这样一段话:

        3.2.1 Test Setup       

        To determine the real performance of the People Counting and Tracking software, test scenarios and test areas have to be created so that the absolute location of people in the room can be compared to the reported location of people in the room. Here, reported location refers to the location reported by the mmWave device. This can be accomplished by carefully marking the test area, then recording each test. This is done as follows:

        看这段话的意思是为了确定人的个数,必须创建测试方案和测试区域,并且还需要标记测试区域。 这个的意思是对于每一个陌生的环境都需要进行测试区域的创建和标记吗?那这样不能很好的适用于陌生的环境,还是我我的理解有偏差,应该怎么理解 3.2.1 这一小节的这段话。


        另外,购买评估板是只要一个评估板就行吗?还是说需要同时买一块 DCA1000? 
