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/* Read Temp function*/ float TMP_ReadTemp(I2C_Handle i2cHandle, uint8_t i2cSlaveAddress, uint8_t i2cSlaveRegAddress) { uint8_t txData[2]; bool retVal = true; uint8_t rxData[2]; I2C_Transaction i2cTransaction; int16_t digitalTemp = 2; int32_t errCode; /* Reset the transmit and receive buffer */ memset(&rxData, 0, sizeof (rxData)); /* Scan for the slave address */ txData[0] = i2cSlaveRegAddress; i2cTransaction.slaveAddress = i2cSlaveAddress; i2cTransaction.writeBuf = txData; i2cTransaction.writeCount = 1; i2cTransaction.readBuf = rxData; i2cTransaction.readCount = 0; System_printf ("2222222222 \n"); /* Writing to slave address */ retVal = I2C_transfer(i2cHandle, &i2cTransaction); if (retVal == false) { System_printf ("I2C_transfer Failed \n"); } else { /* Read from slave */ System_printf ("3333333333 \n"); i2cTransaction.slaveAddress = i2cSlaveAddress + 1; i2cTransaction.writeBuf = txData; i2cTransaction.writeCount = 0; i2cTransaction.readBuf = rxData; i2cTransaction.readCount = 2; retVal = I2C_transfer(i2cHandle, &i2cTransaction); System_printf ("44444444444444 \n"); if (retVal == false) { errCode = -1; } else { digitalTemp = (rxData[0]<<4) | (rxData[1]>>4); if(digitalTemp > 0x7FF) { digitalTemp |= 0xF000; } } } return digitalTemp * 0.0625; }
结果看起来像是正确初始化了,一直走到I2C_transfer(),然后这个transfer一直失败。我已经再三检查了我从设备的地址 和 从设备寄存器的地址,我觉得应该不是这个原因,想问一下针对这个问题您那边有什么解决办法么?