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LAUNCHXL-CC26X2R1: 设置UART读回调,但是没响应

Part Number: LAUNCHXL-CC26X2R1


void uart_read_datdCB(UART2_Handle handle, void *buf, size_t count, void *userArg, int_fast16_t status)
static int flag = 0;

flag = ~flag;
GPIO_write(CONFIG_GPIO_LED, flag);


void uart_init2(void)
UART2_Params params;
params.baudRate = 115200;
params.writeMode = UART2_Mode_BLOCKING;
params.readMode = UART2_Mode_CALLBACK;
params.readCallback = &uart_read_datdCB;

// Open the UART
uart = UART2_open(CONFIG_UART2_0_CONST, &params);
if (uart == NULL) {
// UART2_open() failed
while (1);

// Enable receiver, inhibit low power mode
uint8_t buffer_tmp[] = "UART2 init ok\r\n";
UART2_write(uart, buffer_tmp, sizeof(buffer_tmp), NULL);