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发送完beacon request以后,如果协调器有回beacon的话,节点会调用到ZDO_beaconNotifyIndCB( NLME_beaconInd_t *pBeacon ),
case ZDO_NWK_DISC_CNF: if (devState != DEV_NWK_DISC) break; if ( ZG_BUILD_JOINING_TYPE && ZG_DEVICE_JOINING_TYPE ) { // Process the network discovery scan results and choose a parent // device to join/rejoin itself networkDesc_t *pChosenNwk; if ( ( (pChosenNwk = ZDApp_NwkDescListProcessing()) != NULL )
我这边发现,寻网的终端 在 进入到
会有 清NWK 的操作。。。请问 这个会不会导致清除之后
开启Start the reset timer for MAX UNAUTH time ,然后 MAX_DEVICE_UNAUTH_TIMEOUT 这段时间内 由于外界的因素 又没能 收到新的NWK key
设备就把NV flash 里面的东西删除, 接着就入不了网,也就是systemreset。(此时即便是有beacon ,但是设备NV flash 里面的信息被复位擦除了,只能开permit join 才能入网,无论哪个协调器!!!)
else if ( devState == DEV_NWK_ORPHAN || <strong><span style="color:#ff0000;">devState == DEV_NWK_SEC_REJOIN_CURR_CHANNEL</span></strong> || devState == DEV_NWK_TC_REJOIN_CURR_CHANNEL || devState == DEV_NWK_TC_REJOIN_ALL_CHANNEL || devState == DEV_NWK_SEC_REJOIN_ALL_CHANNEL ) { ...................... // results of an orphaning attempt by this device // results of an orphaning attempt by this device <strong><span style="color:#ff0000;"> if (nwkStatus == ZSuccess)</span></strong> { //When the device has successfully rejoined then reset retryCnt retryCnt = 0; // Verify NWK key is available before sending Device_annce if ( ZG_SECURE_ENABLED && ( ZDApp_RestoreNwkKey( TRUE ) == false ) ) { // wait for auth from trust center ZDApp_ChangeState( DEV_END_DEVICE_UNAUTH ); // Start the reset timer for MAX UNAUTH time ZDApp_ResetTimerStart( MAX_DEVICE_UNAUTH_TIMEOUT ); }