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ZED poll rate set incorrectly if reset from a leave request with rejoin enabled 究竟是怎样改?不是很明白

Genius 3030 points

ZED poll rate set incorrectly if reset from a leave request with rejoin enabled

Issue description:
ZED will poll using REJOIN_POLL_RATE instead of POLL_RATE after being reset due to a parent leave request where the rejoin option was set.

Proposed fix:
In ZDApp_ProcessNetworkJoin of ZDApp.c, remove NLME_SetPollRate( zgRejoinPollRate ); from if (nwkStatus == ZSuccess) and place in the else statement instead. One must also set the zgRejoinPollRate when device state is DEV_END_DEVICE_UNAUTH

if ( ZG_SECURE_ENABLED && ( ZDApp_RestoreNwkKey( TRUE ) == false ) )
     NLME_SetPollRate( zgRejoinPollRate );
  // wait for auth from trust center

Optimally, also place NLME_SetPollRate( ZDApp_SavedPollRate ); inside of ZDO_JoinConfirmCB.

  • 根據我的了解是在ZDApp.c的ZDApp_ProcessNetworkJoin修改下面紅色的部份

        if (nwkStatus == ZSuccess)
          //When the device has successfully rejoined then reset retryCnt
          retryCnt = 0;

          // Verify NWK key is available before sending Device_annce
          if ( ZG_SECURE_ENABLED && ( ZDApp_RestoreNwkKey( TRUE ) == false ) )
            if ( ZSTACK_END_DEVICE_BUILD )
              NLME_SetPollRate( zgRejoinPollRate );

            // wait for auth from trust center
            ZDApp_ChangeState( DEV_END_DEVICE_UNAUTH );

            // Start the reset timer for MAX UNAUTH time
            ZDApp_ResetTimerStart( MAX_DEVICE_UNAUTH_TIMEOUT );
            ZDApp_ChangeState( DEV_END_DEVICE );

            osal_stop_timerEx( ZDAppTaskID, ZDO_REJOIN_BACKOFF );

            // setup Power Manager Device
    #if defined ( POWER_SAVING )
            osal_pwrmgr_device( PWRMGR_BATTERY );

            // The receiver is on, turn network layer polling off.
            if ( ZDO_Config_Node_Descriptor.CapabilityFlags & CAPINFO_RCVR_ON_IDLE )
              // if Child Table Management process is not enabled
              if ( zgChildAgingEnable == FALSE )
                NLME_SetPollRate( 0 );
                NLME_SetQueuedPollRate( 0 );
                NLME_SetResponseRate( 0 );

            if ( ZSTACK_ROUTER_BUILD )
              // NOTE: first two parameters are not used, see NLMEDE.h for details
              if ( ZDO_Config_Node_Descriptor.LogicalType != NODETYPE_DEVICE )
                NLME_StartRouterRequest( 0, 0, false );


            if ( ( (ZDO_Config_Node_Descriptor.CapabilityFlags & CAPINFO_RCVR_ON_IDLE) == 0 )
                || ( (ZDO_Config_Node_Descriptor.CapabilityFlags & CAPINFO_RCVR_ON_IDLE)
                  && (zgChildAgingEnable == TRUE) ) )
              if(devStartMode == MODE_REJOIN)
                NLME_SetPollRate( zgRejoinPollRate );
                NLME_SetPollRate( ZDApp_SavedPollRate );
          if ( devStartMode == MODE_RESUME )
            if ( ++retryCnt <= MAX_RESUME_RETRY )
              if ( _NIB.nwkPanId == 0xFFFF )
                devStartMode = MODE_JOIN;
                devStartMode = MODE_REJOIN;
                _tmpRejoinState = true;
                prevDevState = DEV_NWK_SEC_REJOIN_CURR_CHANNEL;
            // Do a normal join to the network after certain times of rejoin retries
            else if( AIB_apsUseInsecureJoin == true )
              devStartMode = MODE_JOIN;
          else if(devStartMode == MODE_REJOIN)
            if ( ZSTACK_END_DEVICE_BUILD )
              devStartMode = MODE_REJOIN;
              _tmpRejoinState = true;
              _NIB.nwkState = NWK_INIT;

              if( prevDevState == DEV_NWK_SEC_REJOIN_CURR_CHANNEL )
                runtimeChannel = MAX_CHANNELS_24GHZ;
                prevDevState = DEV_NWK_SEC_REJOIN_ALL_CHANNEL ;
              else if ( prevDevState == DEV_NWK_SEC_REJOIN_ALL_CHANNEL)
                // Set the flag that will ask the device to do trust center network layer rejoin.
                _NIB.nwkKeyLoaded = FALSE;
                ZDApp_ResetNwkKey(); // Clear up the old network key.
                runtimeChannel = (uint32) (1L << _NIB.nwkLogicalChannel);
                prevDevState = DEV_NWK_TC_REJOIN_CURR_CHANNEL ;
              else if ( prevDevState == DEV_NWK_TC_REJOIN_CURR_CHANNEL )
                runtimeChannel = MAX_CHANNELS_24GHZ;
                prevDevState= DEV_NWK_TC_REJOIN_ALL_CHANNEL ;
              NLME_SetPollRate( zgRejoinPollRate );

          // Clear the neighbor Table and network discovery tables.

          // setup a retry for later...
          ZDApp_NetworkInit( (uint16)(NWK_START_DELAY
               + (osal_rand()& EXTENDED_JOINING_RANDOM_MASK)) );

x 出现错误。请重试或与管理员联系。