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OPA860: peak sampling circuit of OPA860

Part Number: OPA860

Recently I am working on the peak sampling circuit of OPA860. I used the reference circuit provided by TI engineers. TINA simulation can be used. Under the same configuration, when the input in LTSPICE is zero, the peak hold output has a bias voltage of 100mV. The made PCB The function cannot be realized, and the circuit is sure that there are no other electrical errors. The signal input of the board is zero, the input side of the SD2 diode is -0.4V, the output side of the SD2 diode is nearly 4V, and the board outputs 3.8V. Moreover, no matter how the input changes, the output is always 3.85V. Ask an engineer how to solve this problem? thanks

  • 您好,

    这个电路来源于下面帖子中的Kai,您要实现同样带宽下的峰值检测吗?您实际输入的是1ns宽幅值为100mV to 1V的脉冲吗?

  • 谢谢您及时的回复,芯片应该是没有正常工作,不知道为什么用kai提供的电路,仿真可以实现,做的PCB板子芯片没有正常工作。在调试板子时,发现一个奇怪的现象请教一下您,将图中的SD2短接,芯片工作就正常了,输入为零,输出也为零。二极管不短接,输入为零,输出有一个4伏的电压输出。您知道这是什么原因吗?谢谢!

  • 很抱歉,回复晚了,不知道您的问题解决了没有。看上面仿真输出的波形,在输入信号后半部分输入信号为0时,输出也是不为0 ,有一个直流信号输出,您的测试现象应该是符合仿真结果的

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