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I am making a motor drive circuit for a three-phase brushless DC motor (BLDC), the motor power is 28V/100W, I need three phase current (bidirectional) detection chips of the same model, currently I use your company's LMP8481ATQDGKRQ1:
The main parameters are as follows:
VCC=5V,VCC via C=0.1uF and 4.7uF to GND
REFA short REFB=2.5V:via 0.1uF to GND
Rsense_left via R=0Ω to RSP
Rsense_right via R=0Ω to RSN
RSP via C=0.1uF to RSN
Vout via RC(R=100Ω,C=4.7nF) to MCU GPIO
But I ran into a problem, as shown below: Vout of LM8481-Q1 is wrong !
CH4(green):current from UA to Motor
CH2(yellow):Vout of LMP8481-Q1
CH3(red):UA, phase Voltage
Please help analyze it, thank you!
“”Vout via RC(R=100Ω,C=4.7nF) to MCU GPIO“”,给电路引入了附加相移,降低了相位裕度。导致电压过冲甚至自激震荡,CH2(yellow)清晰体现此现象。
I use electronic load to replace Motor,phase Voltage UA via a electronic load to UB,but LMP8481 Vout unable to display negative current。
Iout=2A,RSP to RSN is 10mV,Vout=2.5V+2A*5mΩ*20=2.5V+0.2V=2.7V,it’s true!
Iout=-2A,RSP to RSN is -10mV,Vout=2.5V. it‘s wrong,why Vout≮ 2.5V?