iwr6843isk es2.0 usb供电

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH, IWR6843ISK, IWR6843ISK-ODS, IWR6843AOPEVM



  • 请查看mmwave_sdk_user_guide 4. 1. How to identify the COM ports for mmWave EVM 章节。
    If the COM ports don't show up in the Device Manager or are not working (i.e. no demo output seen on the data port), then one of these steps would apply depending on your setup:
    If you want to run the Out-of-box demo, simple browse to the Visualizer ( ) and dev.ti.com/mmWaveDemoVisualizer follow the one-time setup instructions.
    If you are trying to flash the board, using Uniflash tool and following the cloud or desktop version installation instructions would also install the right drivers for the COM ports.
    If above methods didnt work and if TI code composer studio is not installed on that PC, then download and install the stand . alone XDS110 drivers
    If TI code composer studio is installed, then version of CCS and emulation package need to be checked and updated as per the mmWave SDK release notes. See section for more details.
  • I try the method
    the first it need to fill the com port number,such as the figure

    for the second method, it also need to fill the com port 

    for the third method ,I have ccs v8 and ccs10.

    I think the pc con't show the port of  the device, is becose the pc don't have a right driver. however I install the lasted ccs,mmwave_studio, sdk, I con't know what should i do . what's more the device can get the com port of the 1443boost  

  • 建议换个USB线在试一下。也有可能是驱动的问题,试一下再重新安装一下。
  • 你好,

    IWR6843AOPEVM, IWR6843ISK Rev.C, IWR6843ISK-ODS Rev.B
    Latest Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers
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