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void aic3204Init(void) { CODEC_RESET = 1; delay_ms(2); CODEC_RESET = 0; //;p Reset 1 # Release the reset pin //;# RESET aic3204_res = aic3204_Write_Reg(0x00,0X0); //WW 30, 00h, 00h ; # Select register page 0 aic3204_res = aic3204_Write_Reg(0x01,0X1); //WW 30, 01h, 01h ; # I2C reset delay_ms(10); //;# CLOCK SETTINGS aic3204_res = aic3204_Write_Reg(0x0B,0X81); //WW 30, 0Bh, 81h ; # PoWWer up the NDAC divider WWith value 1 aic3204_res = aic3204_Write_Reg(0x0C,0X82); //WW 30, 0Ch, 82h ; # PoWWer up the MDAC divider WWith value 2 aic3204_res = aic3204_Write_Reg(0x0D,0X00); //WW 30, 0Dh, 00h ; # Program OSR for DAC to 128 (MSB) aic3204_res = aic3204_Write_Reg(0x0E,0X80); //WW 30, 0Eh, 80h ; # Program OSR for DAC to 128 (LSB) //12 13 14 //w 30 12h 81 # Power up the NADC divider with value 1 //w 30 13h 82 # Power up the MADC divider with value 2 //w 30 14h 80 # Program OSR for ADC to 128 aic3204_res = aic3204_Write_Reg(0x12,0X81); aic3204_res = aic3204_Write_Reg(0x13,0X82); aic3204_res = aic3204_Write_Reg(0x14,0X80); //;# DIGITAL INTERFACE aic3204_res = aic3204_Write_Reg(0x1B,0X00); //WW 30, 1Bh, 00h ; # I2S, 16-bit, BCLK and WWCLK are inputs //;# PROCESSING BLOCK USAGE aic3204_res = aic3204_Write_Reg(0x3C,0X08); //WW 30, 3Ch, 08h ; # Select DAC processing block PRB_P8 //w 30 3D 04 # Select ADC processing block PRB_R4 aic3204_res = aic3204_Write_Reg(0x3D,0X04); //;# ANALOG POWWER SUPPLY aic3204_res = aic3204_Write_Reg(0x00,0X01); //WW 30, 00h, 01h ; # Select register page 1 aic3204_res = aic3204_Write_Reg(0x01,0X08); //WW 30, 01h, 08h ; # Disable internal crude AVDD before poWWering up the internal AVDD LDO aic3204_res = aic3204_Write_Reg(0x02,0X01); //WW 30, 02h, 01h ; # Enable internal analog LDO, analog blocks poWWered //;WW 30, 02h, 00h ; # Enable internal analog LDO, analog blocks poWWered aic3204_res = aic3204_Write_Reg(0x0A,0X40); //WW 30, 0Ah, 40h ; # Common mode set to 0.75V //;# MICPGA DELAY, REFERENCE CHARGING AND HEADPHONE DE-POP //;WW 30, 47h, 31h ; # MICPGA startup delay is 3 ms aic3204_res = aic3204_Write_Reg(0x7B,0X01); //WW 30, 7Bh, 01H ; # Reference charging time is 40 ms //aic3204_res = aic3204_Write_Reg(0x14,0X65); //;WW 30, 14h, 65h ; # HP driver poWWer-up: 50 ms soft routing step time, 5.0 time constants, 6k resistance //;# AUDIO ROUTING //aic3204_res = aic3204_Write_Reg(0x0C,0X08); //;WW 30, 0Ch, 08h ; # HPL routing: Left channel //aic3204_res = aic3204_Write_Reg(0x0D,0X08); //;WW 30, 0Dh, 08h ; # HPR routing: Right channel aic3204_res = aic3204_Write_Reg(0x0E,0X08); //WW 30, 0Eh, 08h ; # LOL routing: Left channel aic3204_res = aic3204_Write_Reg(0x0F,0X08); //WW 30, 0Fh, 08h ; # LOR routing: Right channel //Full-Differential Mono Mic connected to IN1L/IN1R select page 1 //w 30 34 00 # No routed to Left MICPGA Positive //w 30 36 00 # No routed to Left MICPGA Negative //w 30 37 40 # IN1R is routed to Right MICPGA Positive with 10K resistance //w 30 39 10 # IN1L is routed to Right MICPGA Negative with 10K resistance aic3204_res = aic3204_Write_Reg(0x34,0X00); aic3204_res = aic3204_Write_Reg(0x36,0X00); aic3204_res = aic3204_Write_Reg(0x37,0X40); aic3204_res = aic3204_Write_Reg(0x39,0X10); aic3204_res = aic3204_Write_Reg(0x12,0X00); //WW 30, 12h, 00h ; # LOL driver is not muted aic3204_res = aic3204_Write_Reg(0x13,0X00); //WW 30, 13h, 00h ; # LOR driver is not muted aic3204_res = aic3204_Write_Reg(0x09,0X3C); //WW 30, 09h, 3Ch ; # Output Driver Power Control ALLOUT powered up delay_ms(10); //mov A,28h ;after 18 cmds do delay 8.6ms //call dly_lcd_timex aic3204_res = aic3204_Write_Reg(0x00,0X00); //WW 30, 00h, 00h ; # Select register page 0 aic3204_res = aic3204_Write_Reg(0x3F,0X0D6); //WW 30, 3Fh, 0D6h ; # aic3204_res = aic3204_Write_Reg(0x40,0X00); //WW 30, 40h, 00h ; # }