DAC81408: DAC81408变成问题

Part Number: DAC81408
Hello, I am using DAC81408 recently. When I was programming, I felt that all the functions had been written, but there was no effect. All DAC output pins had no output. The register sometimes read something, but it was different from the theoretical output. I don't know what the problem is. Can you provide some help? Thank you.(您好,我最近在使用DAC81408,我在编程时候感觉所有功能都已经写了,但并没有任何效果,所有DAC输出引脚都没有输出,寄存器有时候会有读取的东西,但和理论的输出不同,我不知道是什么问题,看可以提供些帮助么,谢谢)
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