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[FAQ] TI-API: v2积压高级发货通知(ASN) API 错误代码和含义 (part 1 of 2)

Part Number: TI-API

v2 ASN API 错误代码的含义是什么?


  • 具体场景 错误详情 补救步骤
    	"errors": [
    			"errorCode": "ERR-BKG-ASNR-API-0010",
    			"type": "ERROR",
    			"reason": "Missing Identifier",
    			"message": "The identifier customerPurchaseOrderNumber, wayBillNumber, or orderNumber cannot be null or empty.  Enter a valid Identifier and resubmit request."

    标识符不能为空。 输入一个有效的customerPurchaseOrderNumber 或 wayBillNumber 或 OrderNumber,然后重新提交请求。 如果需要进一步的帮助,请联系 TI API 支持(。 

    	"errors": [
    			"errorCode": "ERR-BKG-ASNR-API-0011",
    			"type": "ERROR",
    			"reason": "Only One Identifier Required",
    			"message": " Only one of the identifiers customerPurchaseOrderNumber, wayBillNumber, or orderNumber is required. Enter only one of the valid Identifiers and resubmit request."
    只需要一个标识符。 输入以下有效标识符之一:customerPurchaseOrderNumber 或 wayBillNumber 或 OrderNumber,然后重新提交请求。 如果需要进一步的帮助,请联系 TI API 支持(
    无效的 requestCommercialInvoicePDF或 requestWaybillPDF
    	"errors": [
    			"errorCode": "ERR-BKG-ASNR-API-0040",
    			"type": "ERROR",
    			"reason": "Invalid requestCommercialInvoicePDF or requestWaybillPDF",
    			"message": " requestCommercialInvoicePDF or requestWaybillPDF – X must have value of either true or false. Field will default to false."
    如果需要 PDF,则 requestCommercialInvoicePDF 或 RequestWaybillPDF 值必须为 true 或 false。 输入 X 以接收 PDF;否则该字段将默认为 false。 如果需要进一步的帮助,请联系 TI API 支持(
    TI API 由于系统维护暂不可用
    	"errors": [
    			"errorCode": "ERR-BKG-ASNR-API-0500",
    			"type": "ERROR",
    			"reason": "TI API unavailable for scheduled system maintenance",
    			"message": " This TI API is currently unavailable due to system maintenance. Please resubmit the request after maintenance is completed or contact TI API Support ( for more information."
    TI 服务器维护正在进行中,目前不可用。 请尝试稍后重新提交请求。 如果问题仍然存在,请联系 TI 客户支持(提交请求)。
    找不到 customerPurchaseOrderNumber 的货物数据 
    	"errors": [
    			"errorCode": "ERR-BKG-ASNR-API-020",
    			"type": "ERROR",
    			"reason": "No shipment data found with customerPurchaseOrderNumber",
    			"message": "Verify and correct the customerPurchaseOrderNumber or use the orderNumber or wayBillNumber and resubmit request."
    未找到货件数据。 请输入有效的customerPurchaseOrderNumber 或使用 OrderNumber 或 wayBillNumber。 只有已完成的订单才有可用的发货数据。 如果需要进一步的帮助,请联系 TI API 支持  (
    找不到 orderNumber的货物数据
    	"errors": [
    			"errorCode": "ERR-BKG-ASNR-API-0021",
    			"type": "ERROR",
    			"reason": "No shipment data found with orderNumber",
    			"message": "Verify and correct the orderNumber or use the customerPurchaseOrderNumber or wayBillNumber and resubmit request."
    未找到货件数据。 请输入有效的 OrderNumber 或使用 customerPurchaseOrderNumber 或 wayBillNumber。 只有已完成的订单才有可用的发货数据。 如果需要进一步的帮助,请联系 TI API 支持  (
    	"errors": [
    			"errorCode": "ERR-BKG-ASNR-API-0022",
    			"type": "ERROR",
    			"reason": "No shipment data found with wayBillNumber",
    			"message": "Verify and correct the wayBillNumber or use the customerPurchaseOrderNumber or orderNumber and resubmit request."
    未找到货件数据。 请输入有效的 wayBillNumber 或使用 customerPurchaseOrderNumber 或 OrderNumber。 只有已完成的订单才有可用的发货数据。 如果需要进一步的帮助,请联系 TI API 支持 (
    	"errors": [
    			"errorCode": "ERR-BKG-ASNR-API-0023",
    			"type": "ERROR",
    			"reason": "Shipment in process, ASN information unavailable at this time",
    			"message": "Shipment information is unavailable at this time. Please try again at a later time."
    未找到货件数据,因为货件仍在处理中。 请稍候再试。 如果需要进一步的帮助,请联系 TI API 支持 (
    发货完成,目前 ASN 不可用 
    	"errors": [
    			"errorCode": "ERR-BKG-ASNR-API-0024",
    			"type": "ERROR",
    			"reason": "Shipment complete, ASN information unavailable",
    			"message": "Shipment information is unavailable at this time. Please try again at a later time."
    ASN 信息尚未就绪。 请稍候再试。 如果需要进一步的帮助,请联系 TI API 支持  (
    	"errors": [
    			"errorCode": "ERR-BKG-ASNR-API-0030",
    			"type": "ERROR",
    			"reason": "Invalid soldToAccountNumber",
    			"message": " soldToAccountNumber is incorrect.  Verify and correct the soldToAccountNumber and resubmit request."
    soldToAccountNumber 无效。 请输入有效的 soldToAccountNumber。 如果需要进一步的帮助,请联系 TI API 支持 (
    	"errors": [
    			"errorCode": "ERR-BKG-ASNR-API-0031",
    			"type": "ERROR",
    			"reason": "Missing soldToAccountNumber",
    			"message": "The soldToAccountNumber cannot be null or empty. Enter a valid soldToAccountNumber and resubmit request."
    soldToAccountNumber 缺失,不能为空。 请输入有效的 soldToAccountNumber 并重新提交请求。 如果需要进一步的帮助,请联系 TI API 支持 (
    缺失业务合作伙伴的 soldToAccountNumber
    	"errors": [
    			"errorCode": "ERR-BKG-ASNR-API-0032",
    			"type": "ERROR",
    			"reason": "Missing business partner's soldToAccountNumber",
    			"message": "The Business Partner's soldToAccountNumber cannot be null or empty.  Enter a valid soldToAccountNumber and resubmit request."
    业务合作伙伴的 soldToAccountNumber 缺失,不能为空。 请输入有效的业务合作伙伴的 soldToAccountNumber 并重新提交请求。 如果需要进一步的帮助,请联系 TI API 支持  (
    	"errors": [
    			"errorCode": "ERR-BKG-ASNR-API-0040",
    			"type": "ERROR",
    			"reason": "Missing business partner",
    			"message": "Business Partner cannot be null or empty.  Enter a valid Business partner and resubmit request."
    业务合作伙伴缺失,不能为空。 请输入有效的业务合作伙伴并重新提交请求。 如果需要进一步的帮助,请联系 TI API 支持 (

    可参阅 v2积压高级发货通知(ASN) API 错误代码和含义(part 2 of 2)