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不对啊,Activate low power Standby mode by setting STB terminal high. In this mode the bus transmitter will not send
data nor will the normal mode receiver accept data as the bus lines are biased to ground minimizing the system
supply current. Only the low power receiver will be actively monitoring the bus for activity. RXD indicates a valid
wake up event after a wake-up pattern (WUP) has been detected on the Bus. The low power receiver is powered
using only the VIO pin. This allows VCC to be removed reducing power consumption further。
你看这个9.4.3描述。他是the bus lines are biased to ground被拉到地了,而且你看你F9.2,描述的STB条件下,内部是拉到地的。。。那跟这个描述有区别啊,而且如果偏置到VCC/2。你手册里面的STB功耗也 不满足啊。。。。
您的理解是对的,在standy mode ,总线是以上图B连接,而其他正常模式收发器则试图将CAN总线保持在2.5V。因此,会产生一条泄漏路径,从而降低整个总线电压水平。其降低多少将取决于总线上收发器的数量和进入standby mode节点的比率。如果有20个节点,其中18个节点是standby 状态,那么总线电压很可能将不足能够正常通信。
关于上面进入standby模式的节点拉低总线电压的情况,我想应该控制进入standby 节点的比率以控制总线电压。