我一直在尝试基于定制板创建项目。 每当我尝试切换到 CC2652P1FRGZ 时、就无法迁移。
Resource Explorer 中的任何示例均 改用 CC2652P1FSIP 器件。
如何检查基于 CC2652P1FRGZ 创建项目?
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对于 CC2652P1、建议使用 CC1352P1工程、例如以下示例: https://dev.ti.com/tirex/explore/node?node=A__APALJVbDifPTzAjspzfa1A__com.ti.SIMPLELINK_CC13XX_CC26XX_SDK__BSEc4rl__LATEST
尊敬的 Toby:
感谢链接。 我将把 CC1352P1用于我的 CC2652P1项目。
我还有一个问题。 SysConfig 生成的代码似乎不包括 .pRegOverrideTxStd 和
.pRegOverrideTx20。 如果我尝试将 TX 功率设置为任何超过5dBm 的值、则表示参数无效。 我之所以可以这样说、是因为 在 RFC_CMD_PROP_RADIO_DIV_SETUP_PA_t 结构中、pRegOVerrideTxStd 和.pRegOverrideTx20设置为0。 您能指出正确的方向吗? 这是我需要手动生成的东西、还是这种意外行为?
以下是我的 SysConfig 生成的内容:
// ********************************************************************************* // RF Frontend configuration // ********************************************************************************* // RF design based on: LAUNCHXL-CC1352P1 // TX Power tables // The RF_TxPowerTable_DEFAULT_PA_ENTRY and RF_TxPowerTable_HIGH_PA_ENTRY macros are defined in RF.h. // The following arguments are required: // RF_TxPowerTable_DEFAULT_PA_ENTRY(bias, gain, boost, coefficient) // RF_TxPowerTable_HIGH_PA_ENTRY(bias, ibboost, boost, coefficient, ldoTrim) // See the Technical Reference Manual for further details about the "txPower" Command field. // The PA settings require the CCFG_FORCE_VDDR_HH = 0 unless stated otherwise. // 2400 MHz, 5 dBm RF_TxPowerTable_Entry txPowerTable_2400_pa5[TXPOWERTABLE_2400_PA5_SIZE] = { {-20, RF_TxPowerTable_DEFAULT_PA_ENTRY(6, 3, 0, 2) }, // 0x04C6 {-18, RF_TxPowerTable_DEFAULT_PA_ENTRY(8, 3, 0, 3) }, // 0x06C8 {-15, RF_TxPowerTable_DEFAULT_PA_ENTRY(10, 3, 0, 3) }, // 0x06CA {-12, RF_TxPowerTable_DEFAULT_PA_ENTRY(12, 3, 0, 5) }, // 0x0ACC {-10, RF_TxPowerTable_DEFAULT_PA_ENTRY(15, 3, 0, 5) }, // 0x0ACF {-9, RF_TxPowerTable_DEFAULT_PA_ENTRY(16, 3, 0, 5) }, // 0x0AD0 {-6, RF_TxPowerTable_DEFAULT_PA_ENTRY(20, 3, 0, 8) }, // 0x10D4 {-5, RF_TxPowerTable_DEFAULT_PA_ENTRY(22, 3, 0, 9) }, // 0x12D6 {-3, RF_TxPowerTable_DEFAULT_PA_ENTRY(19, 2, 0, 12) }, // 0x1893 {0, RF_TxPowerTable_DEFAULT_PA_ENTRY(19, 1, 0, 20) }, // 0x2853 {1, RF_TxPowerTable_DEFAULT_PA_ENTRY(22, 1, 0, 20) }, // 0x2856 {2, RF_TxPowerTable_DEFAULT_PA_ENTRY(25, 1, 0, 25) }, // 0x3259 {3, RF_TxPowerTable_DEFAULT_PA_ENTRY(29, 1, 0, 28) }, // 0x385D {4, RF_TxPowerTable_DEFAULT_PA_ENTRY(35, 1, 0, 39) }, // 0x4E63 {5, RF_TxPowerTable_DEFAULT_PA_ENTRY(23, 0, 0, 57) }, // 0x7217 RF_TxPowerTable_TERMINATION_ENTRY }; // 2400 MHz, 20 dBm RF_TxPowerTable_Entry txPowerTable_2400_pa20[TXPOWERTABLE_2400_PA20_SIZE] = { {14, RF_TxPowerTable_HIGH_PA_ENTRY(22, 3, 1, 19, 27) }, // 0x1B27D6 {15, RF_TxPowerTable_HIGH_PA_ENTRY(26, 3, 1, 23, 27) }, // 0x1B2FDA {16, RF_TxPowerTable_HIGH_PA_ENTRY(30, 3, 1, 28, 27) }, // 0x1B39DE {17, RF_TxPowerTable_HIGH_PA_ENTRY(37, 3, 1, 39, 27) }, // 0x1B4FE5 {18, RF_TxPowerTable_HIGH_PA_ENTRY(32, 3, 1, 35, 48) }, // 0x3047E0 {19, RF_TxPowerTable_HIGH_PA_ENTRY(34, 3, 1, 48, 63) }, // 0x3F61E2 {20, RF_TxPowerTable_HIGH_PA_ENTRY(53, 3, 1, 58, 63) }, // 0x3F75F5 RF_TxPowerTable_TERMINATION_ENTRY }; //********************************************************************************* // RF Setting: Custom (100 kbps, 50 kHz Deviation, 2-GFSK, 350 kHz RX Bandwidth) // // PHY: custom2400 // Setting file: setting_tc900_custom.json //********************************************************************************* // PARAMETER SUMMARY // RX Address Mode: No address check // Frequency (MHz): 2440.0000 // Deviation (kHz): 50.0 // Packet Length Config: Variable // Max Packet Length: 255 // Preamble Count: 4 Bytes // Preamble Mode: Send 0 as the first preamble bit // RX Filter BW (kHz): 349.7 // Symbol Rate (kBaud): 100.000 // Sync Word: 0x930B51DE // Sync Word Length: 32 Bits // TX Power (dBm): 5 // Whitening: No whitening // TI-RTOS RF Mode Object RF_Mode RF_prop_custom2400_0 = { .rfMode = RF_MODE_PROPRIETARY_2_4, .cpePatchFxn = &rf_patch_cpe_prop, .mcePatchFxn = 0, .rfePatchFxn = 0 }; // Overrides for CMD_PROP_RADIO_DIV_SETUP_PA uint32_t pOverrides_custom2400_0[] = { // override_tc900.json // DC/DC regulator: In Tx, use DCDCCTL5[3:0]=0x3 (DITHER_EN=0 and IPEAK=3). (uint32_t)0x00F388D3, // Tx: Configure PA ramp time, PACTL2.RC=0x2 (in ADI0, set PACTL2[4:3]=0x2) ADI_2HALFREG_OVERRIDE(0,16,0x8,0x0,17,0x1,0x1), // Rx: Set AGC reference level to 0x20 (default: 0x2E) HW_REG_OVERRIDE(0x609C,0x0020), // Rx: Set anti-aliasing filter bandwidth to 0x9 (in ADI0, set IFAMPCTL3[7:4]=0x9) ADI_HALFREG_OVERRIDE(0,61,0xF,0x9), (uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFF }; // CMD_PROP_RADIO_DIV_SETUP_PA // Proprietary Mode Radio Setup Command for All Frequency Bands rfc_CMD_PROP_RADIO_DIV_SETUP_PA_t RF_cmdPropRadioDivSetup_custom2400_0 = { .commandNo = 0x3807, .status = 0x0000, .pNextOp = 0, .startTime = 0x00000000, .startTrigger.triggerType = 0x0, .startTrigger.bEnaCmd = 0x0, .startTrigger.triggerNo = 0x0, .startTrigger.pastTrig = 0x0, .condition.rule = 0x1, .condition.nSkip = 0x0, .modulation.modType = 0x1, .modulation.deviation = 0xC8, .modulation.deviationStepSz = 0x0, .symbolRate.preScale = 0xF, .symbolRate.rateWord = 0x10000, .symbolRate.decimMode = 0x0, .rxBw = 0x59, .preamConf.nPreamBytes = 0x4, .preamConf.preamMode = 0x0, .formatConf.nSwBits = 0x20, .formatConf.bBitReversal = 0x0, .formatConf.bMsbFirst = 0x1, .formatConf.fecMode = 0x0, .formatConf.whitenMode = 0x0, .config.frontEndMode = 0x0, .config.biasMode = 0x1, .config.analogCfgMode = 0x0, .config.bNoFsPowerUp = 0x0, .config.bSynthNarrowBand = 0x0, .txPower = 0xFFFF, .pRegOverride = pOverrides_custom2400_0, .centerFreq = 0x0988, .intFreq = 0x0800, .loDivider = 0x00, .pRegOverrideTxStd = 0, .pRegOverrideTx20 = 0 };
如果在2.4GHz 下 TX 功率高于5dBm、请尝试改用 CC1352P2示例。
此帖子供参考: https://e2e.ti.com/support/wireless-connectivity/bluetooth-group/bluetooth/f/bluetooth-forum/1097448/cc2652p-tx-power-out-range-problem
它需要一些额外的步骤、默认情况下 SysConfig 中未显示该 设置的主要原因是"CC2652PX 专有射频设置尚未针对高 PA 设置进行表征"。