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#define VIN_FULL_RANGE (409.8) //full range of ADC for Vin (each of line and neutral sense)

#define VBUS_FULL_RANGE     (519.0)//(522.5)//(503.0) //full range of ADC for VBUS
//#define VBUS_RATED_VOLTS    (400.0)//(395.0) //395.0V
#define VBUS_RATED_VOLTS    (50.0)//(395.0) //395.0V
//#define VBUS_MIN ((int32)((100.0/VBUS_FULL_RANGE)*4096*4096)) //Min bus volt with AC in and PFC off
#define VBUS_MIN ((int32)((15.0/VBUS_FULL_RANGE)*4096*4096)) //Min bus volt with AC in and PFC off
#define VBUS_OVP_THRSHLD ((int32)((350.0/VBUS_FULL_RANGE)*4096*4096)) //435V直流侧输出电压的阈值
//#define VBUS_DPWM_OFF_LEVEL ((int32)((425.0/VBUS_FULL_RANGE)*4096*4096)) //425V
//#define VBUS_DPWM_ON_LEVEL  ((int32)((395.0/VBUS_FULL_RANGE)*4096*4096)) //395V
#define VBUS_DPWM_OFF_LEVEL ((int32)((70.0/VBUS_FULL_RANGE)*4096*4096)) //425V
#define VBUS_DPWM_ON_LEVEL  ((int32)((20.0/VBUS_FULL_RANGE)*4096*4096)) //395V
#define VBUS_TARGET            ((int32)((VBUS_RATED_VOLTS/VBUS_FULL_RANGE)*4096*4096)) //395V
#define VBUS_ERROR_NL_CNTRL_THRSHLD ((int32)((10.0/VBUS_FULL_RANGE)*4096*4096)) //Vbus error threshold to activate NL Vloop control