UC2625-EP: Request for Automated Test Plan for UC2625 BLDC Motor Controller

Part Number: UC2625-EP

We are currently developing a BLDC motor control system using the UC2625-EP and seeking guidance on creating an automated test plan for this device. Our goal is to implement the testing of the following parameters on an automated test platform.

Supply current;
VCC turn-off threshold。
Over voltage /Coast:
OV - COAST hysteresis;
Logic Inputs:
PWM Amp/Corparator:
Error amp voltage gain;
SSTART(Pullup current)。
Current Amp:
Peak current threshold;
3、ISENSE1, ISENSE2 offset current。
TACH-OUT high level;
Low-Side Drivers:
Voh,–1 mA, down from VCC;
Voh,–50 mA, down from VCC;
Vol, 1 mA;
Vol, 50 mA。
High-Side Drivers:
Vol, 1 mA;
Vol, 50 mA。
1、Output voltage;
2、Line regulation;
3、Short circuit current。

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