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您好,机器里打印头运行过程中耗电电流是变化的,当打印头耗电电流大于充电电流时,电池会被抽电,充电电流显示为负,当耗电电流小一些时,电池充电,充电电流为正。请帮忙再分析一下其他原因,是否会跟supplement mode有关。
出现充电电流为0mA的情况时,有打印log ,可以看到充电状态寄存器是0x03,是cc mode,充电使能标志位为1,充电器输出限制电流,充电电流,满电电压,设定都是正确的,vbus正确,vbat和vsys数值接近。
您好,Can you check all STAT and FLAG register readings? They are located from Reg 0x0B to 0x10. A spike in load(stop printing in your case) may have caused some fault conditions. Information from registers will give us more clue.
Also, when this happens, are you able to re-enable charging in software?
请问能否大概推断一下charge ic哪方面异常会出现ibat为0mA?每次插上充电器软件都会enable一次charge ic。
REG0:A0, REG1:4A, REG2:85, REG3:20, REG4:21
REG5:85, REG6:3D, REG7:A, REG8:D, REG9:15
REGa:0, REGb:3, REGc:80, REGd:0, REGe:0
REGf:0, REG10:80, REG11:0, REG12:0, REG13:0
REG14:0, REG15:B0, REG16:0, REG17:0, REG18:85
REG19:0, REG1a:0, REG1b:13, REG1c:6D, REG1d:1A
REG1e:6C, REG1f:1B, REG20:F2, REG21:2, REG22:8
REG23:0, REG24:3B, REG25:11
However, device was not able to detect VBUS: Reg0C=80 and "Power good" was toggled, REG10=80, meaning some kind power reset was happening. Please check if anything triggered at customer input side, maybe power glitch for example.
建议您安装TI Battery management studio复现一下当时的现象, 手动输入registers的值, This will help expedite the real time debug,
您好,当复现时在串口中将en hiz寄存器设置为1,再设置为0,电流会恢复正常,但过了一会儿充电电流又变为0,多次重复设置1再设置0后,也会过一会儿充电电流变为0mA.
您好,The EN_HIZ bit is cleared automatically when the adapter is plugged in.
请参考数据手册8.3.3.1 Poor Source Qualification确认是不是VBUS OVP引起的EN_HIZ