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TMS320C6678: 外接88E1111,一直出现Wait for port 1 PHY link...或者link PHY1 is NOT up

Part Number: TMS320C6678

板子是自制板,电路参考的是官方的C6678 EVM ,SGMII1连接88E1111,程序使用的是K1_STK_v1.1中的GE,想实现DSP SGMII1与PC间的连接测试。


GE_Test.c 模式配置如下:

GE_Test_Data_Path test_data_path= GE_TEST_DSP0_TO_DSP1;

Ethernet_Mode ethernet_mode = ETHERNET_AUTO_NEGOTIAT_SLAVE;

GE_Port_Connection port_connect[GE_NUM_ETHERNET_PORT]=

      GE_PORT_NO_CONNECT,           //SGMII port 0

Dest_MAC_address已修改为PC有线网的MAC,SGMII port 1也是使用官方默认的

GE_2DSP_Test.c 模式配置如下:

 /*payloadNumBytes, dataPattern, numPackets*/
    {46,                0x12,        4},  /*SGMII port0*/
//    {1500,              0x55,        2},  /*SGMII port0*/
    {46,                0x01,        32}  /*SGMII port1*/

程序运行时,会一直陷入循环显示:Wait for port 1 PHY link...

将void Wait_PHY_link()中的while(0==(gpMDIO_regs->LINK_REG&(1<<i)))修改为while(1==(gpMDIO_regs->LINK_REG&(1<<i)))后可以跳出循环,但是会出现link PHY1 is NOT up


JTAG ID= 0x1009e02f. This is C6678/TCI6608 device, version variant = 1.
DEVSTAT= 0x00000201. little endian, No boot or EMIF16(NOR FLASH) or UART boot, PLL configuration implies the input clock for core is 50MHz.
SmartReflex VID= 59, required core voltage= 1.078V.
Die ID= 0x18008009, 0x040467a7, 0x00000000, 0x78da0021
Device speed grade = 1000MHz.
Enable Exception handling...
DSP board type is C6678_EVM!
GE auto negotiation (slave) two DSPs test (DSP0 -> DSP1)...
Unconnected SGMII0 port can only be used for internal loopback test
link PHY1 is NOT up
Transferred        0 bytes with      191 cycles, throughput=    0Mbps.
SGMII1 Link Partner Advertised Ability 100Mbps Full Duplex
SGMII port 1 GIG input signal from SGMII is low.
MDIO ALIVE flag: 0x00000000
MDIO LINK  flag: 0x00000000
GE test complete.


1.出现link PHY1 is NOT up这种情况怎么办?是否说明DSP与PHY没有连通?

2.SGMII1 Link Partner Advertised Ability 100Mbps Full Duplex 是否证明PHY已经完成了自协商?



x 出现错误。请重试或与管理员联系。