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本人使用virtex 5 与dsp c6678 srio通信,fpga是从模式,一直使用的1x。现在调试4x的时候遇到问题,4x会自动变成1x通信,或者:dsp成4x,fpga也训练成4x,但是此时两者通信不了,查原因发现fpga srio ip核的 lnk_trdy_n信号不对,但lnk_rrdy_n信号正常,mode-sel正常。
希望得到高人解答。(Serial RapidIO v5.6)
Allen Yin:谢谢你,DSP 4X的配置上没有问题的,
lnk_trdy_n—Indicates 7 consecutive error free control symbols have been received
and 15 consecutive symbols have been sent. The core is fully trained and can now
transmit data. (Link Transmit Ready)
我想请问一下,你那边fpga的程序是直接使用的ip核吗,dsp那边那个no loop模式的程序是否需要更改?
你好,谢谢回复!我现在调试66AK2H14和K7之间的SRIO,用到的IP核是SRIOgen2 v3.1,相比于SRIOv5.6有较大修改。DSP这边的程序和Keystone1的相比变化不大。我将DSP作为从端,SRIO每一个链路都能够以5Gbps的速率运行。但是我调试4x的时候,DSP这边就一直报错如下:
Enable Exception handling...
SRIO path configuration 4xLaneABCD
Input port 0 next expected ackID value: 0x0
Output port 0 unacknowledged ackID: 0x0
Output port 0 next transmitted ackID value: 0x0
The output port 0 has encountered a degraded condition. The degraded port error threshold has been reached in the Port n Error Rate Threshold Register.
The output port 0 has encountered (and possibly recovered from) a transmission error. This bit is set when bit 16 is set.
The output port 0 is in the output error-stopped state.
The input port 0 has encountered (and possibly recovered from) a transmission error. This bit is set when bit 8 is set.
The input port 0 is in the input error-stopped state.
The input or output port 0 has encountered an error from which hardware was unable to recover.
Port 0 OK condition. The input and output ports are initialized, and the port is exchanging error-free control symbols with the attached device.
The port 0 detected a delineation error. The port received an unaligned /SC/ or /PD/ or undefined code-group. The capture registers do not have valid information during this error detection.
The port 0 experienced a link timeout. The port did not receive an acknowledge or link-response control symbol within the specified time-out interval. The capture registers do not have valid information during this error detection.
Type of information logged: 0 (0 - packet, 1 - control symbol)
captured error bit in the Port Error Detect Register: 31
control symbol or Bytes 0 to 3 of the packet header that correspond to the error: 0x0
Bytes 4 to 7 of the packet header that corresponds to the error: 0x0
Bytes 8 to 11 of the packet header that corresponds to the error: 0x0
Bytes 12 to 15 of the packet header that corresponds to the error: 0x0
15 8b/10b deconding error have occurred
SP[0]_ERR_STAT = 0x01010102
SP[0]_ERR_DET = 0x00000004
Corrected Error Stop Condition. SP[0]_ERR_STAT = 0x01010102
Clearing Errors.
DSP1 ready as slave for test
input error stopped和output error stopped是SRIO协议定义的错误状态,一般情况下,如果握手信号错误,SRIO硬件能够自动恢复,但是如果出现错误次数较多,SRIO硬件不能修复,就会出现input error 或者out error;
详细的了解见附件SRIO协议手册C.3章节;流程图见Error Recovery;恢复的方法流程中也提到,就是往Port n Control Symbol Transmit 1 寄存器里写 0x2003F044,就能重启握手过程,重启只需要一方发起即可,另一方会自动回应;需要注意的是在握手的过程中如果另一方仍在发送数据包,则有可能不能恢复过来,需要等两边都idle的情况下再重启握手过程。
您好!我现在在调试6678与fpga srio通信,也出现了4X变为1X的情况,在单步调试的时候执行到这句话 CSL_SRIO_SetBootComplete(hSrio, 1);的时候发现改变的,您是怎么解决这个问题的?谢谢