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AM6421: M4 使用PWM、SPI问题

Part Number: AM6421


  1. M4核定时器有没有PWM功能?看手册上有说明,但CCS里没找到相关函数接口。想用来生成20us周期的控制信号,中断方式效率不高
  2. M4核的SPI有没DMA功能?手册里写有,但CCS显示不能用?
  3. SPI使用中断回调方式读取,在20us周期中断里启动spi读取,调用MCSPI_transfer()启动中断回调读取,测试发现执行这函数要消耗5~6us,有没其它高效的方式?
  • 我需要和产品线工程师确认一下。

  • 请看下面e2e工程师的回复。关于第一个问题可能要花些时间,请关注帖子的回复。

    For your third question which is

    3. Customer uses interrupt to read SPI (MCSPI_transfer()) every 20us, but it will consume 5~6us, how to improve the speed?

    This is one of the most asked question and let me tell you that some delay is expected due to MCSPI Register read operations involved in MCSPI_transfer API.

    NOTE: For every transfer we need to reconfigure few parameters like FIFO config, Data Length, Word Length etc.

    Moreover, this delay is expected one to ensure proper functioning of the peripheral.

    For the second question which is

    2. Does the M4 SPI have DMA? 

    Please allow me sometime preferably few hours to a day to recheck and confirm on compatibility of DMA for MCU_SPI.

    NOTE: Expect the first question to be answered within few business days.

  • 请看下面e2e工程师关于第2个问题的回复。

    I believe DMA is not supported for M4 SPI.

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