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LAUNCHXL-CC26X2R1: 使用UniFlash工具刷写bin,导致设备被锁,希望可以提供有效的解锁方法

Part Number: LAUNCHXL-CC26X2R1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH, CC2538

使用tiarmobjcopy将 simple_peripheral_CC26X2R1_LAUNCHXL_tirtos7_ticlang.hex 转化为bin(352KB)文件,并使用unflash指定起始位置为0x30000烧录,结果设备被锁,无法继续刷写flash。


windows设备管理器依然能够识别XDS110 com口

使用 异常开发板的XDS连接 正常的开发板的cc2642r1芯片可以进行flash刷写,因此怀疑是CC2642r1芯片被锁



IcePick_C: Error connecting to the target: (Error -241 @ 0x0) A router subpath could not be accessed. A security error has probably occurred. Make sure your device is unlocked. (Emulation package 


[2023/7/12 下午2:30:44] [INFO] Cortex_M3_0: MassErase(): Initializing.
[2023/7/12 下午2:30:44] [INFO] Cortex_M3_0: MassErase(): Issuing Board Reset.
[2023/7/12 下午2:30:45] [INFO] Cortex_M3_0: MassErase(): Mass erase complete.
[2023/7/12 下午2:30:48] [ERROR] IcePick_C: Error connecting to the target: (Error -241 @ 0x0) A router subpath could not be accessed. A security error has probably occurred. Make sure your device is unlocked. (Emulation package