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Issue3:Linux Gateway App v1.0.1中ota state machine的执行逻辑是怎样的?

Hi all,


     代码定位:ota_engine.c 大概75行左右(我的代码有改动),void ota_enable_state_machine(bool timed_out, void * arg)

void ota_enable_state_machine(bool timed_out, void * arg)
 static int state = 0;
 static int current_ota_file_index;
 bool rerun_state_machine = true;
 if ((arg == NULL) && (state != 0))
  printf("OTA-Enable already in progress");
 if (si_is_server_ready(SI_SERVER_ID_OTA) == false)
  printf("ota_enable_state_machine: ERROR: OTA server not connected");
  state = 6;
 else if ((!timed_out) || (state == 0))
 while (rerun_state_machine)
  printf("OTA-Enable state %d\n", state);
  rerun_state_machine = false;
  switch (state)
   case 1:
    if (si_register_idle_callback(ota_enable_state_machine, NOT_NULL) == 0)
     if (si_is_waiting_for_confirmation() == false)
      rerun_state_machine = true;
     state = 0;
     printf("WARNING: OTA-Enable state machine cannot be initialized at this time");
   case 2:
    enable_ota_upgrade();  //OTA enable   3:OTA_UPDATE_ENABLE_REQ    4:OTA_UPDATE_ENABLE_CNF
   case 3:
    current_ota_file_index = 0;
    rerun_state_machine = true;
   case 4:
    //if(DeviceList_Router[0] == router_of_config[i])
           register_single_file(current_ota_file_index); //OTA register  2: IMAGE_REGISTERATION_REQ  0:ZIGBEE_GENERIC_CNF
           //printf("router_of_config[%d] = %Lx\n", i, router_of_config[i]);
    //printf("DeviceList_Router[0] = %Lx\n", DeviceList_Router[0]);
   case 5:
    if (current_ota_file_index < upgrade_num_files)
    rerun_state_machine = true;
   case 6:
    state = 0;




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