Provided by the open source community at, Beaglebone is low-cost, high-expansion hardware running full distros of a variety of Linux versions as well as Android.
A perfect student project course alternative to microcontrollers for those wanting a student owned platform with extensive expansion capability.
Many project code examples, videos and add-on hardware ‘capes' are available
Applications include Industrial Automation, Retail Applications, Human Machine Interface, Barcode Scanner, patient monitoring, Autonomous robotics, Art installations, musical instruments
Beagleboard-xM is a low-cost, fanless single-board computer for projects and teaching
Providing 1GHz performance, 512MB RAM and a variety of peripherals for laptop like experience
An open source hardware/software project with thousands of active participants, provides excellent support and full distros of Linux varieties, Android and MS OS.
Full course materials available for a 32 bit embedded Linux course as well as project starter materials for a amazing and innovative projects
Applications include Portable Data Terminals, Navigation, Auto Infotainment, Gaming, Single board Computers, Autonomous robotics, Art installations, musical instruments