Hi team,
My customer TOKYO ELECTRON DEVICE NAGASAKI is trying quote API in test environment, but is getting 500 system error.
could you please investigate why this is happening?
"errors" : [
"errorCode" : "ERR-BKG-QUOTE-API-0500",
"type" : "ERROR",
"reason" : "System Error",
"message" : "System error has occurred. Contact TI API Support (https://api-portal.ti.com/support)."
Please try again with this structure, remove some of the items.
And please kindly notice, do not show customer checkout profile in the thread. Thank you.
"quote": {
"checkoutProfileId": "1BB9587xxx",
"requestedUnitPriceCurrencyCode": "USD",
"lineItems": [
"tiPartNumber": "SN74LS00N",
"quantity": 2500,
"requestedUnitPrice": 1.2,
"competitorName": "ABC",
"competitorPartNumber": "abcdef",
"customerItemComments": "test",
"competitorUnitPrice": "2.4",
"competitorCurrencyCode": "JPN"
Hi Xiaonan,
Thank you! I will ask customer to try with that structure.
I noticed that you removed some header fields, could that be the cause of the error?
They are all included in the schema though.