TI-API: 500 system error

Part Number: TI-API

Hi team,

My customer TOKYO ELECTRON DEVICE NAGASAKI is trying quote API in test environment, but is getting 500 system error.

could you please investigate why this is happening?

"errors" : [
"errorCode" : "ERR-BKG-QUOTE-API-0500",
"type" : "ERROR",
"reason" : "System Error",
"message" : "System error has occurred. Contact TI API Support (https://api-portal.ti.com/support)."

  • Please try again with this structure, remove some of the items.

    And please kindly notice, do not show customer checkout profile in the thread.  Thank you.

    "quote": {
    "checkoutProfileId": "1BB9587xxx",
    "requestedUnitPriceCurrencyCode": "USD",
    "endCustomerCompanyName": "TOKYO ELECTRON DEVICE NAGASAKI",
    "lineItems": [
    "tiPartNumber": "SN74LS00N",
    "quantity": 2500,
    "requestedUnitPrice": 1.2,
    "competitorName": "ABC",
    "competitorPartNumber": "abcdef",
    "customerItemComments": "test",
    "competitorUnitPrice": "2.4",
    "competitorCurrencyCode": "JPN"

  • Hi Xiaonan,

    Thank you! I will ask customer to try with that structure.

    I noticed that you removed some header fields, could that be the cause of the error?

    They are all included in the schema though.

x 出现错误。请重试或与管理员联系。