当我使用 ADC 来收集值时、有一些事情发生:当采样时钟分频器= 1或2时、一切看起来正常。 但当采样时钟分频器= 24时、我收到一些噪声、正常情况下的图片如下所示。 同时还有一件有趣的事情。 如果我将 CPUCLK 减少到40M、无论采样时钟分频器是什么、都是正常的。 原因是什么? 我如何考虑 CPUCLK = 80M 和采样时钟分频器= 24? ? ADC 时钟源为 ULPCLK
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当我使用 ADC 来收集值时、有一些事情发生:当采样时钟分频器= 1或2时、一切看起来正常。 但当采样时钟分频器= 24时、我收到一些噪声、正常情况下的图片如下所示。 同时还有一件有趣的事情。 如果我将 CPUCLK 减少到40M、无论采样时钟分频器是什么、都是正常的。 原因是什么? 我如何考虑 CPUCLK = 80M 和采样时钟分频器= 24? ? ADC 时钟源为 ULPCLK
您好、Cash Hao、
谢谢、我从 mspm0_sdk 导入"adc12_triggered_by_timer_event_lp_MSPM0G3507_nortos_ticlang"。
1.添加 UART 打印(UART0,波特率:115200)
2.时钟树:启用 HFXT (40M)、选择 XTAL、选择 HFCLK、将 QDIV 设置为 x4、 选择 SYSPLL0、将 UDIV 设置 为/2
在 ADC12中、将 ADC 时钟源更改为 ULPCLK、将采样时钟分频器设置为24分频、将基准电压设置为 VREF
4.启用 VREF、MODE 设置为外部、VREF+-启用且外部电压设置为1.5
/* * Copyright (c) 2021, Texas Instruments Incorporated * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "ti_msp_dl_config.h" #define ADC_SAMPLE_SIZE (1024) /* When FIFO is enabled 2 samples are compacted in a single word */ #define ADC_FIFO_SAMPLES (ADC_SAMPLE_SIZE >> 1) uint16_t gADCSamples[ADC_SAMPLE_SIZE]; volatile bool gCheckADC; void SendString(char *String, int Length) { int i; for(i = 0 ;i < Length ; i++) { DL_UART_Main_transmitData(UART_0_INST, String[i]); delay_cycles(8000); } } int main(void) { char Data[100]; int i; SYSCFG_DL_init(); /* Configure DMA source, destination and size */ DL_DMA_setSrcAddr(DMA, DMA_CH0_CHAN_ID, (uint32_t) DL_ADC12_getFIFOAddress(ADC12_0_INST)); DL_DMA_setDestAddr(DMA, DMA_CH0_CHAN_ID, (uint32_t) &gADCSamples[0]); DL_DMA_setTransferSize(DMA, DMA_CH0_CHAN_ID, ADC_FIFO_SAMPLES); DL_DMA_enableChannel(DMA, DMA_CH0_CHAN_ID); /* Setup interrupts on device */ NVIC_EnableIRQ(ADC12_0_INST_INT_IRQN); gCheckADC = false; DL_ADC12_startConversion(ADC12_0_INST); // for test ADC noise while (false == gCheckADC) { __WFE(); } DL_ADC12_stopConversion(ADC12_0_INST); DL_DMA_disableChannel(DMA, DMA_CH0_CHAN_ID); for(i=0;i<ADC_SAMPLE_SIZE;i++) { sprintf(Data,"%04d\n",gADCSamples[i]); SendString(Data,5); } // end __BKPT(0); while (1) { __WFI(); } } void ADC12_0_INST_IRQHandler(void) { switch (DL_ADC12_getPendingInterrupt(ADC12_0_INST)) { case DL_ADC12_IIDX_DMA_DONE: gCheckADC = true; break; default: break; } }
/** * These arguments were used when this file was generated. They will be automatically applied on subsequent loads * via the GUI or CLI. Run CLI with '--help' for additional information on how to override these arguments. * @cliArgs --device "MSPM0G350X" --package "LQFP-64(PM)" --part "Default" --product "mspm0_sdk@" * @versions {"tool":"1.20.0+3587"} */ /** * Import the modules used in this configuration. */ const ADC12 = scripting.addModule("/ti/driverlib/ADC12", {}, false); const ADC121 = ADC12.addInstance(); const Board = scripting.addModule("/ti/driverlib/Board"); const SYSCTL = scripting.addModule("/ti/driverlib/SYSCTL"); const UART = scripting.addModule("/ti/driverlib/UART", {}, false); const UART1 = UART.addInstance(); const VREF = scripting.addModule("/ti/driverlib/VREF"); /** * Write custom configuration values to the imported modules. */ const divider9 = system.clockTree["UDIV"]; divider9.divideValue = 2; const multiplier2 = system.clockTree["PLL_QDIV"]; multiplier2.multiplyValue = 4; const mux4 = system.clockTree["EXHFMUX"]; mux4.inputSelect = "EXHFMUX_XTAL"; const mux8 = system.clockTree["HSCLKMUX"]; mux8.inputSelect = "HSCLKMUX_SYSPLL0"; const mux12 = system.clockTree["SYSPLLMUX"]; mux12.inputSelect = "zSYSPLLMUX_HFCLK"; const pinFunction4 = system.clockTree["HFXT"]; pinFunction4.enable = true; pinFunction4.inputFreq = 40; pinFunction4.HFXTStartup = 100; ADC121.$name = "ADC12_0"; ADC121.repeatMode = true; ADC121.adcMem0chansel = "DL_ADC12_INPUT_CHAN_4"; ADC121.sampleTime0 = "62.5 ns"; ADC121.powerDownMode = "DL_ADC12_POWER_DOWN_MODE_MANUAL"; ADC121.enableFIFO = true; ADC121.configureDMA = true; ADC121.sampCnt = 6; ADC121.enabledDMATriggers = ["DL_ADC12_DMA_MEM10_RESULT_LOADED"]; ADC121.enabledInterrupts = ["DL_ADC12_INTERRUPT_DMA_DONE"]; ADC121.adcMem0vref = "VREF"; ADC121.sampClkSrc = "DL_ADC12_CLOCK_ULPCLK"; ADC121.sampClkDiv = "DL_ADC12_CLOCK_DIVIDE_24"; ADC121.peripheral.$assign = "ADC0"; ADC121.peripheral.adcPin4.$assign = "PB25"; ADC121.adcPin4Config.$name = "ti_driverlib_gpio_GPIOPinGeneric0"; ADC121.DMA_CHANNEL.$name = "DMA_CH0"; ADC121.DMA_CHANNEL.addressMode = "f2b"; ADC121.DMA_CHANNEL.peripheral.$assign = "DMA_CH0"; SYSCTL.forceDefaultClkConfig = true; SYSCTL.clockTreeEn = true; UART1.$name = "UART_0"; UART1.targetBaudRate = 115200; UART1.peripheral.rxPin.$assign = "PA11"; UART1.peripheral.txPin.$assign = "PA10"; UART1.txPinConfig.$name = "ti_driverlib_gpio_GPIOPinGeneric3"; UART1.txPinConfig.direction = scripting.forceWrite("OUTPUT"); UART1.txPinConfig.hideOutputInversion = scripting.forceWrite(false); UART1.txPinConfig.onlyInternalResistor = scripting.forceWrite(false); UART1.txPinConfig.passedPeripheralType = scripting.forceWrite("Digital"); UART1.rxPinConfig.$name = "ti_driverlib_gpio_GPIOPinGeneric4"; UART1.rxPinConfig.hideOutputInversion = scripting.forceWrite(false); UART1.rxPinConfig.onlyInternalResistor = scripting.forceWrite(false); UART1.rxPinConfig.passedPeripheralType = scripting.forceWrite("Digital"); VREF.basicVrefPins = "VREF+-"; VREF.basicMode = "DL_VREF_ENABLE_DISABLE"; VREF.basicExtVolt = 1.5; VREF.vrefPosPinConfig.$name = "ti_driverlib_gpio_GPIOPinGeneric1"; VREF.vrefNegPinConfig.$name = "ti_driverlib_gpio_GPIOPinGeneric2"; /** * Pinmux solution for unlocked pins/peripherals. This ensures that minor changes to the automatic solver in a future * version of the tool will not impact the pinmux you originally saw. These lines can be completely deleted in order to * re-solve from scratch. */ pinFunction4.peripheral.$suggestSolution = "SYSCTL"; pinFunction4.peripheral.hfxInPin.$suggestSolution = "PA5"; pinFunction4.peripheral.hfxOutPin.$suggestSolution = "PA6"; Board.peripheral.$suggestSolution = "DEBUGSS"; Board.peripheral.swclkPin.$suggestSolution = "PA20"; Board.peripheral.swdioPin.$suggestSolution = "PA19"; UART1.peripheral.$suggestSolution = "UART0"; VREF.peripheral.$suggestSolution = "VREF"; VREF.peripheral.vrefPosPin.$suggestSolution = "PA23"; VREF.peripheral.vrefNegPin.$suggestSolution = "PA21";
尊敬的 Cash:
此外、我今天也进行了一些验证。 由于错误被修复为每12个事务和错误的值发生一次、因此我尝试将"Enable DMA Triggers"从 MEM10设置为 MEM11。 该错误不存在。 是否有合理的解释?
其中 DMA 在准备就绪前获取样本。
它应该与 e2e 问题无关。
在 DMA 配置中、源长度为字(4字节)。 一个 ADC 结果为2个字节。 因此、DMA 移动2个 ADC 一次产生结果。 而 DMA 样本计数为6。 因此、DMA 将连续移动6*2=12个 ADC 结果。
由于您的 DMA 触发器为 MEM10、因此它仅包含11个 ADC 结果。 将连续移动12个 ADC 结果。 MEMRESx 寄存器中保存的 ADC 结果处于 FIFO 模式。 DMA 将移动(11个新的 ADC 结果和1个先前的 ADC 结果)。 这就是您看到该问题的原因。
Cash Hao