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MSP430F6736 SD24增益设置问题

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SD24BCTL0 = SD24SSEL_0|SD24REFS; // Select MCLK as SD24_B clock source|Selectinternal REF
SD24BCTL1_H = SD24DMA_0;
SD24BINCTL0 |= SD24INTDLY_1|SD24GAIN_128; //
SD24BOSR0=800; //


  • 请您参考一下数据手册内的说明,目前您的设计是否符合要求:

    Table 5-39. SD24_B, Power Supply and Operating Conditions

    (1) The full-scale range (FSR) is defined by VFS+ = +VREF/GAIN and VFS– = –VREF/GAIN: FSR = VFS+ – VFS– = 2 × VREF/GAIN. If VREF is
    sourced externally, the analog input range should not exceed 80% of VFS+ or VFS–, that is, VID = 0.8 VFS– to 0.8 VFS+. If VREF is sourced
    internally, the given VID ranges apply. MIN values are calculated based on a VREF of 1.125 V. TYP values are calculated based on a
    VREF of 1.16 V.

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