1. AM62A seems to lack PROCESSOR-SDK-RTOS-J721E (environment SDK that supports onnx/tensorflow model transformation and deployment to TI hardware) similar to J721E.
2. Learned from the forum that FIRMWARE-BUILDER-AM62A exists, not sure whether this is the environment SDK for model transformation and deployment.
3. Is the operation of FIRMWARE-BUILDER-AM62A similar to that of PROCESSOR-SDK-RTOS-J721E?
Can I directly use PROCESSOR-SDK-RTOS-J721E and set the SOC compilation to AM62A for model transformation and deployment?
Someone who can answer questions about whether AM62A can be transformed and deployed using a development process similar to J721E.
Thanks! for reading the following link, I seem to understand it, but I still lack the tidl-tools library and firmware builder, which seems to be under application. Could you please pass it? Are the tidl_model_import.out and tidl_model*.so libraries also compiled based on edgeai-tidl-tools? I'm still conflicted about it.
thanks! I seem to know how to convert this model to the AM62A platform, but I have a problem that the operator is not supported. A721A and tdA4 can be transferred normally before, how do I deal with it? What documents do I need to provide to help you troubleshoot this problem?
(am62a) docker@8084c2d7f6f9:/ti-am62a/tools/AM62 A/tidl_tools$ bash run.sh 00eyeclose Start to transform 01eyeclose Start to transform ========================= [Model Compilation Started] ========================= Model compilation will perform the following stages: 1. Parsing 2. Graph Optimization 3. Quantization & Calibration 4. Memory Planning ============================== [Version Summary] ============================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | TIDL Tools Version | 10_01_04_00 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | C7x Firmware Version | 10_01_00_01 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ONNX model (Proto) file : ./model/eye.onnx TIDL network file : ./model_out/eye/tidl_net_eye_am62a_Input96X96_int8_mix_Batch1.bin TIDL IO info file : ./model_out/eye/tidl_io_eye_am62a_Input96X96_int8_mix_Batch1_ Current ONNX OpSet version : 9 ============================ [Optimization started] ============================ ----------------------------- Optimization Summary ----------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Layer | Nodes before optimization | Nodes after optimization | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | TIDL_BatchNormLayer | 0 | 1 | | TIDL_EltWiseLayer | 10 | 10 | | TIDL_CLipLayer | 59 | 0 | | TIDL_SigmoidLayer | 1 | 0 | | TIDL_ConcatLayer | 3 | 3 | | TIDL_ResizeLayer | 3 | 3 | | TIDL_ConvolutionLayer | 61 | 61 | | TIDL_FlattenLayer | 1 | 0 | | TIDL_PoolingLayer | 7 | 7 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== [Optimization completed] =========================== -------- Running Calibration in Float Mode to Collect Tensor Statistics -------- [=============================================================================] 100 % ------------------ Fixed-point Calibration Iteration [1 / 1]: ------------------ [=============================================================================] 100 % ==================== [Quantization & Calibration Completed] ==================== ========================== [Memory Planning Started] ========================== ------------------------- Network Compiler Traces ------------------------------ Successful Memory Allocation Successful Workload Creation ========================= [Memory Planning Completed] ========================= Rerunning network compiler... ========================== [Memory Planning Started] ========================== ------------------------- Network Compiler Traces ------------------------------ Successful Memory Allocation Successful Workload Creation ========================= [Memory Planning Completed] ========================= [TIDL Import] UNSUPPORTED: Allowlisting : Layer name - Upsample_11 : Resize is only supported along width and height axis -- [tidlAllowlistingConstraints/tidl_constraint.cpp, 85] [TIDL Import] UNSUPPORTED: Allowlisting : Layer name - Upsample_14 : Resize is only supported along width and height axis -- [tidlAllowlistingConstraints/tidl_constraint.cpp, 85] [TIDL Import] UNSUPPORTED: Allowlisting : Layer name - Upsample_100 : Resize is only supported along width and height axis -- [tidlAllowlistingConstraints/tidl_constraint.cpp, 85] ============== Subgraph Compiled with 0 Warnings and 3 Errors ============== [TIDL Import] WARNING: ***************************************************************************** * TIDL Import returned with error, model artifacts are not reliable * * Please resolve the compilation issues * ***************************************************************************** [TIDL Import] FATAL ERROR: Quantization/NC Pass/Model checker failed -- [tidl_import_main.cpp, 510] [TIDL Import] Aborting