C5000 DSP | C5000 for Courses | C5000 for Projects | C5000 Resources
C5000™ Ultra Low-Power 16 Bit DSPs provide a broad portfolio of the industry's lowest power (lowest total active core power at less than 0.15 mW/MHz at 1.05V and standby power at less than 0.15 mW) DSPs with performance up to 300MHz (600 MIPs). Ultra low cost development boards, system development kits, free and highly mature software libraries with an extensive database of code examples enables easy use as a DSP teaching and project platform. They are optimized for power- and cost-efficient embedded signal processing solutions, including portable electronics in consumer, communications, medical, security and industrial applications. |
The popularity of C5000 DSP in teaching Real-time DSP courses is unmatched. The 16-bit fixed point modified Harvard architecture is well suited for teaching both computer architecture and signals and systems in addition to advanced DSP filters using audio as the example. Instructors world-wide have found the platform’s simplicity and ease of use aid in courses where there is a desire to teach with either assembly or C code using Code Composer Studio. With low cost development tools that include a high quality stereo codec, starting at $49 USD, the C5000 is a good choice for either student homework or student purchased lab tools, or keeping lab install costs low. The DSP Library (DSPLIB) is a collection of high-level optimized DSP function modules for the C55x DSP platform. This source-code library includes C-callable functions (ANSI-C language compatible) for general signal processing math and vector functions that have been ported to C55x DSPs. Included are such functions as FFT, Filtering and convolution and adaptive filtering. The C55x Chip Support Libraries (CSL) provide an application programming interface (API) for configuring and controlling the DSP on-chip peripherals for ease of use, compatibility between various C55x devices and hardware abstraction.
Many project kits are available from TI and Third Parties. If you don’t see the application kit below you are looking for, please contact our University Program for suggestions.
Teaching Materials available include:
Project aids available include:
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