TI-API: Customer claims Order Push data was sent but cannot find log on TI side

Part Number: TI-API

Dear team,

Customer TDK (sold to 186237) is claiming that they received Order Push data on 11/05 that they did not expect, but I cannot find log on our side.

Below is log on customer side.

Could you please investigate if we have sent data to them?

API Request Header1

  Order push notification


  ・2024/11/05 11:56:34

  ・2024/11/05 14:53:19

  ・2024/11/05 16:03:42

  ・2024/11/05 16:03:56

  ・2024/11/05 16:03:58

x 出现错误。请重试或与管理员联系。