Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG, C2000WARE
Problem:My CCS can build an TI C2000 example project without syscfg file,but can NOT bulid that with syscfg file.
Version Description: My CCS version is 12.2.0, C2000 sysconfig Tool is 1.15.0, example project is from C2000Ware_4_03_00_00\driverlib\f28003x\examples\launchxl_f280039c.
版本描述:CCS版本12.2.0,C2000 sysconfig Tool是CCS自带的版本1.15.0, 例程来源于C2000Ware_4_03_00_00\driverlib\f28003x\examples\launchxl_f280039c.
Import CCS Projects. 导入例程。
Confirm the properties of imported project and software Products version. Sysconfig 1.15.0 was Added by myself。确认例程属性和Software Products版本。
Build properties about SysConfig,工程属性中关于Sysconfig部分属性的配置。
Build the project, Console message is Build Finished but without any more build processing details, and .out file was NOT generated。工程build,Console窗口中1分钟后跳出Build Finished并且未出现bulid过程中信息,并且未产生.out文件。
C2000.syscfg file was then Excluded from build intentionally, and build the project, Console message is Build Finished with many build processing details, and .out file was generated。C2000.syscfg文件从单独被排除编译,则Console窗口中出现Build Finished并且带有大量bulid过程中信息,并且产生.out文件。
Open C2000.syscfg file. It looks normally。打开C2000.syscfg文件,显示也挺正常的。