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Error in build step #15 (Make): Make process exited with code 2: copy /Y "E:\plecs\support_package\tsp_ti_c2000\demos\simple_model\simple_model_codegen\ControlCard_TMS320F28379D.ccxml" ".\output_TI2837x_cpu1\pl_28379D.ccxml" Ѹ 1 ļ "C:/ti/uniflash_8.5.0/dslite.bat" --flash --config=.\output_TI2837x_cpu1\pl_28379D.ccxml .\output_TI2837x_cpu1\pl_28379D.out -u Executing the following command: > "C:\ti\uniflash_8.5.0\deskdb\content\TICloudAgent\win\ccs_base\DebugServer\bin\DSLite" flash --flash --config=.\output_TI2837x_cpu1\pl_28379D.ccxml .\output_TI2837x_cpu1\pl_28379D.out -u For more details and examples, please refer to the UniFlash Quick Start guide. C28xx_CPU1: GEL Output: Memory Map Initialization Complete info: C28xx_CPU1: If erase/program (E/P) operation is being done on one core, the other core should not execute from shared-RAM (SR) as they are used for the E/P code. Also, CPU1 will be halted to determine SR ownership for the CPU which will run the Flash Plugin code, after which CPU1 will be set to run its application. User code execution from SR could commence after both flash banks are programmed. error: C28xx_CPU1: Error: (Error -1135 @ 0xC095) The debug probe reported an error. Confirm debug probe configuration and connections, reset the debug probe, and retry the operation. (Emulation package fatal: C28xx_CPU1: Trouble Halting Target CPU: (Error -1044 @ 0x0) The debug probe reported an error. Confirm debug probe configuration and connections, reset the debug probe, and retry the operation. (Emulation package error: C28xx_CPU1: Error: (Error -1135 @ 0xC095) The debug probe reported an error. Confirm debug probe configuration and connections, reset the debug probe, and retry the operation. (Emulation package error: C28xx_CPU1: Unable to determine target status after 20 attempts error: C28xx_CPU1: Failed to remove the debug state from the target before disconnecting. There may still be breakpoint op-codes embedded in program memory. It is recommended that you reset the emulator before you connect and reload your program before you continue debugging error: C28xx_CPU1: Error occurred during flash operation: Could not read 0x0007026D@Data: target is not connected error: C28xx_CPU1: Error occurred during flash operation: Could not write 0x0005F444@Data: target is not connected error: C28xx_CPU1: Error occurred during flash operation: Could not read 0x0005F444@Data: target is not connected error: C28xx_CPU1: Error occurred during flash operation: Could not read 0x000130@Program: target is not connected error: C28xx_CPU1: Error executing PLL configuration algorithm. Operation cancelled. (0x0) error: C28xx_CPU1: Error occurred during flash operation: Could not write 0x0005D200@Data: target is not connected error: C28xx_CPU1: File Loader: Memory write failed: Unknown error pl_28379D.mk:170: recipe for target 'download' failed Failed: File: .\output_TI2837x_cpu1\pl_28379D.out: Load failed. make: *** [download] Error 1